Thursday, August 13, 2009

Post - Op Days # 118 - 124 - Weekly Update for Aug 10th - 16th

Day 118 - Monday Aug 10 - Physio @11:30am, boy I was stiff from not having physio the week before but Chris was happy to see that my ankle did pretty well. we added a bunch of new exercises and they were fun but needed a lot of agility and strength. I was so tired after that, man I came home to lounge around for a bit. HA HA!
I had to go to Issaquah to take care of JB and then I toodled around Issaquah for a bit before heading home.
As the day went on my ankle got sore and so I iced and put heat on it to help. the physio session had really put the ankle to the test and will be interesting to see how it feels Tuesday.

Day 119 - Tuesday Aug 11 - Woke up with extreme pain in the foot, I could barely stand on it without the shooting pains. Oh it was a bit depressing as it felt just like it used to before I had surgery done. :-( I had to hobble around and go down to Issaquah as I needed to go take care of JB. that was a real chore but I did it and raced home to elevate/ice and put some heat on the foot. YOUCHHHHHHHHHHHH! I was a total head case LOL crying, feeling all depressed about the foot etc... it wasn't pretty! HA HA! it was a long day for sure!
oh and I had to start my other cat sitting job but thank goodness the lady lives in the building so it was very close!!

Day 120 - Wednesday Aug 12 - I woke up and was very happy to feel NO PAIN, just some stiffness but thank GOD it was better after a good night of rest! PHEW! I had physio at 11:30am and ofcourse Chris felt horrible about my foot getting so bad the day before. we toned down the new exercises and went back to some basics to make sure I didn't experience the harsh pain again. At the end of my session he put ice on my foot for 15mins to help bring down the swelling that was left from Monday/Tuesday. oh and he wanted me to get some proper supportive insoles for my shoes as he thinks that contributed to the pain I had on Monday/tuesday.
After physio I went to Issaquah to drop the key off to JB's owners as I was finished the job! YAY for money! ha ha! I went and got the insoles for the shoes.....ah yes, much better!!

Day 121 - Thursday Aug 13(TODAY) - no physio, just a day to relax but happy to report the foot felt fine after yesterday's physio!
I stopped by the ranch for a bit and was about to leave when the caregivers found one of the horses with a huge gash under his front legs(right inbetween) so that was 2hrs of helping/watching the vet cut and then suture the huge wound up. Poor Ziggy, he's a lucky boy that he didnt do more damage. I guess he tried to jump the fence and didn't make it, got hung up and ripped open his chest area. YOUCH! he'll be ok, just a bit sore and rethinking jumping the fences hopefully!

I went over and checked on the 2 cats in the building, they're pretty darn cute! Though it does feel weird not having to go look after JB!

so later in the evening I got a call from my moms neighbor saying she was in the hospital because she suffered another stroke. ugh, not what I want to hear!!! I guess she was on the phone with a friend and her face started to tingle all weird and so she got the neighbor to take her to the ER. Yup, sure enough it was another stroke and so she's been getting all sort of tests done(CT, MRI, EKG etc..) to see if they can figure out why it happened again.

Day 122 - Friday Aug 14(Yesterday) - I went to the ranch and had a short ride on Karma in the ring on the new foot(oh la la, top of the line footing!). After my ride I went to lunch with a few of the barn people --we went to the Thai place and it was goooooooood! LOL

I spoke to my mom on the phone, she's at the hospital still waiting for more tests to be completed to see if they can figure out why she had another stroke.
She sounded pretty good all things considered so that is a relief -- I guess part of her face feels numb and has drooped again(same as her stroke last year).
Nothing too exciting as the weather was sort of weird, on and off with rain.
later in the evening I watched " I LOVE YOU MAN" , pretty amusing movie. haha!

Day 123 - Saturday Aug 15 - didn't do too much.....just hung out around here

Day 124 - Sunday Aug 16 - again, just relaxed around this area. I had to look after the cats in the building. I called my mom at the hospital and talked to her for a little bit, she sounded pretty good, just bored and tired -- wanting to go home!!

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Thanks for all your support during this whole ordeal! :-)