Sunday, June 21, 2009

Post-Op Day # 66 - See Ya Soon

Well Tuesday we were leaving on the 7pm Victoria Clipper so we had to get our stuff organized during the day. Poor Adam had the worst case of hiccups, they went on for HOURS!
It was so bizarre plus he had a bit of a cough so that was triggering the hiccups when they'd finally stop. Ack, he was a mess!

I got the stuff packed up and decided Id take advantage of the decent weather and the few hours I had left to go visit Frosty one last time.

My foot was definitely tired Tuesday, all that moving about over the weekend, the bike riding etc... so I didn't move around too much at the barn.
I didn't have time to groom so just put Frosty in the round pen and free-longed her for a few minutes so I could get some action shots.
I can't get over how amazing she looks for 31, its crazy -- she really doesnt even look half her age or ACT IT! LOL I love it, she has a real ZEST for life :-)
I'll add a bunch of pictures for you to see!!

After I left the barn I decided to go visit The Cowichan Therapeutic Riding Association in Duncan. I worked there for 6yrs(till 2001 I think it was) , I miss it so I try to visit whenever possible. My ol boss Michelle was working so that was great, it was fun to chit chat with her for a few bit before heading back to my moms.

I got back home, Adam was finishing up work for the day, gathered the rest of the stuff and head out with my moms friend Mary down to Victoria to the Clipper terminal. :-)
I made sure to take my 10mg of Warfarin in my purse so I could take it at 8pm! Phew, good thing I remembered! LOL

The boat left on time at 7pm, the ride home was smooth and we got back to Seattle around 9:35pm so not too bad.

It was great to see my mom for a few days, she's progressing so well with her stroke recovery(been over a year now).

We're going back to VI soon for my good friend Tessa's wedding on July 18th so it'll be nice to see everyone again so soon!

Well that's it for the VI trip, we had a lot of fun, saw some friends, had a nice visit with my mom and saw Frosty quite a few times! :-)

Thanks for checkin in

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Thanks for all your support during this whole ordeal! :-)