Well its FRIDAY.........yeah, thank goodness I know Adam is very happy the weekend is almost here!
I have physio today at 2pm so I'm anxious to get there and see how it goes again. I know Chris will be happy that I did all my exercises and that I was able to walk without the boot/crutches for a short distance. :-)
I'm going to take the 2 dresses back to Ross today and see what they have for shoes....I have a couple pair here but I'll just take a peak while I'm there anyways. haha! GOod way to get exercise and kill some time.
I'll come back later to update how my physio went but hope everyone has a wonderful FRIDAY
Ok, so yesterday after I took the dresses back I had my physio and it was AWESOME! My foot was really moving well and I was able to walk with my runners without my crutches. Chris was so impressed! haha! He did a massage on the incision to help break up the scar tissue a bit, that hurt a little bit but nothing too bad. I have a few new exercises to practice, like doing sort of a lunge stretch and then standing on one foot at a time. I could actually stand on my bad foot with all my weight for quite a while -- even Chris was surpised that I could hold it that long.
Though that exercise definitely makes the nerves act up a bit and send some weird sensations through the foot.
He wants me to use one crutch now just to help with balance while I'm walking but I'm allowed to practice walking without it as long as I'm on level ground and not overdoing it. :-)
I left there feeling so good and decided to go to the ranch for a visit. I even walked without my crutch while I was there. Everyone was so happy to see me walking around haha!
I decided to halter, lead and groom Karma all by myself --after I gave her a good groom I took her for a short walk to the car for treats. It was so amazing to be able to actually walk and lead a horse! :-)
I don't think it will be too much longer till I CAN RIDE AGAIN! YAAAAAHOOOOOOOOO!
Ah yes, yesterday was a VERY VERY VERY GOOD DAY :-)
I left the barn and came back home to show Adam my new walking skills haha! We stayed here for a bit then head out to Chiptole for dinner.
I took my 7.5mg of Warfarin @ 8pm
I watched a few episodes of House and called it a night. I was pretty darn tired but felt so happy about my foot. :-)
Thanks for checking in
Friday, June 26, 2009
Post-Op Day # 75 - TGIF
Post-Op Day # 74 - Walk This Way
Well yesterday was pretty awesome, I was able to WALK with my running shoes without MY CRUTCHES! Hallelujah haha!
I did all my exercises 3x's yesterday and that really help get the ankle moving and loosened up. I decided to drive to town to check out the thrift store because they always have a ton of purses and neat stuff in there.
I went and looked around for about 20 minutes, saw a couple items but I didn't have any cash on me or my check book so I had to pass on them. I figured if they're still there when I go back then it's meant to be! HA HA!
I left there and drove over to the outlet mall to look for some shoes -- I need new runners because the ones I have are "barn shoes" now. I have a brand new runner(just one) from my mom because she needed the other one but because at that time I was wearing my walking boot I only needed one! Now I need a pair so I can use them all the time and for physio.
I parked the car and took just ONE crutch with me so I could practice walking and I did really GOOD! I got tired quick and took sitting breaks but I did it, I walked around the one store and didn't see anything so moved on to the next store(Nike!).
I went in and tried on a bunch of shoes, it was fun and the guy was really helpful/patient with me.........haha, I tried on a LOT of shoes to find the right ones.
I finally found a pair and they were on sale(like $25 , so cheap) so I bought them. :-)
I walked back to the car with the bag--that was sort of entertaining because I forgot that I'd have to carry them back. haha! It wasn't pretty but I made it and put them in the trunk.
I thought about what other stores I wanted to check out while I was there and decided to go to the Dress Barn -- I love that store!
Plus, Im still on the fence about a dress for Tessa's wedding so I figured Id go see what they had in there.
oh man, they had so many nice dresses and the ladies were awesome, gosh I think I tried on like 25 dresses! HA HA HA! It was very fun and some of them were stunning!!!!!!
we narrowed it down to about 3 that I really liked, I had about 6 ladies there helping me decide. haha!
In the end it was the blue or the black n white dress -- I decided on the black n white one which is ironic because the other 2 that I bought at Ross are black n white. I like this dress better then those 2 so they're going back today to Ross! haha! Great thing was, the dress I got at the Dress Barn was on sale so it was the same price as the other ones--about $25, so really I couldn't go wrong!
I think I was there for 1.5hrs......haha, those ladies were so funny -- Id say "I guess I can't find the right one so I'll just go" and ofcourse they'd go looking for something else in the store and bring it back and I'd change my mind about leaving and start trying more dresses. haha!
So finally I pay for the dress, head to the car and sit there in a daze for a minute because I'm EXHAUSTED! oh my GOD I was zonked from all the moving around. I waited a few minutes and then head back home to REST --but ofcourse had to put the dress on so Adam could see. haha!
I had a nice nap to recharge......phew, boy I needed that! I got up, tidied up some stuff then made fajitas for dinner. MmmmmmmmmHmmmm!
I took my 10mg of Warfarin @ 8pm then watched a couple episodes of House while Adam went skating in Bellevue.
I was very happy to get to bed last night but wow, what a day! I couldn't believe it that I could walk without my boot and crutches like a NORMAL PERSON AGAIN!
Well thats it for yesterday, thanks for checking in
I did all my exercises 3x's yesterday and that really help get the ankle moving and loosened up. I decided to drive to town to check out the thrift store because they always have a ton of purses and neat stuff in there.
I went and looked around for about 20 minutes, saw a couple items but I didn't have any cash on me or my check book so I had to pass on them. I figured if they're still there when I go back then it's meant to be! HA HA!
I left there and drove over to the outlet mall to look for some shoes -- I need new runners because the ones I have are "barn shoes" now. I have a brand new runner(just one) from my mom because she needed the other one but because at that time I was wearing my walking boot I only needed one! Now I need a pair so I can use them all the time and for physio.
I parked the car and took just ONE crutch with me so I could practice walking and I did really GOOD! I got tired quick and took sitting breaks but I did it, I walked around the one store and didn't see anything so moved on to the next store(Nike!).
I went in and tried on a bunch of shoes, it was fun and the guy was really helpful/patient with me.........haha, I tried on a LOT of shoes to find the right ones.
I finally found a pair and they were on sale(like $25 , so cheap) so I bought them. :-)
I walked back to the car with the bag--that was sort of entertaining because I forgot that I'd have to carry them back. haha! It wasn't pretty but I made it and put them in the trunk.
I thought about what other stores I wanted to check out while I was there and decided to go to the Dress Barn -- I love that store!
Plus, Im still on the fence about a dress for Tessa's wedding so I figured Id go see what they had in there.
oh man, they had so many nice dresses and the ladies were awesome, gosh I think I tried on like 25 dresses! HA HA HA! It was very fun and some of them were stunning!!!!!!
we narrowed it down to about 3 that I really liked, I had about 6 ladies there helping me decide. haha!
In the end it was the blue or the black n white dress -- I decided on the black n white one which is ironic because the other 2 that I bought at Ross are black n white. I like this dress better then those 2 so they're going back today to Ross! haha! Great thing was, the dress I got at the Dress Barn was on sale so it was the same price as the other ones--about $25, so really I couldn't go wrong!
I think I was there for 1.5hrs......haha, those ladies were so funny -- Id say "I guess I can't find the right one so I'll just go" and ofcourse they'd go looking for something else in the store and bring it back and I'd change my mind about leaving and start trying more dresses. haha!
So finally I pay for the dress, head to the car and sit there in a daze for a minute because I'm EXHAUSTED! oh my GOD I was zonked from all the moving around. I waited a few minutes and then head back home to REST --but ofcourse had to put the dress on so Adam could see. haha!
I had a nice nap to recharge......phew, boy I needed that! I got up, tidied up some stuff then made fajitas for dinner. MmmmmmmmmHmmmm!
I took my 10mg of Warfarin @ 8pm then watched a couple episodes of House while Adam went skating in Bellevue.
I was very happy to get to bed last night but wow, what a day! I couldn't believe it that I could walk without my boot and crutches like a NORMAL PERSON AGAIN!
Well thats it for yesterday, thanks for checking in
compression stocking,
KAM boot,
Tarsal Tunnel Release,
walking boot,
Post-Op Day # 73 - Move It Move It
Well Wednesday I had my first physio session and it was AMAZINNNNNNNNG!
When I got there Chris(my PT) was very concerned about the ROM in my ankle, it was very poor and would need a fair amount of work to gain a normal range back.
He used a special measuring device to chart where the ROM was in my ankle --- the up and down ROM was horrible, it measured in at -15! He said that was really bad and needed to get that improving asap! Most of the other directions we checked seemed not too bad, definitely nothing that wouldnt come back after a little bit of time.
He showed me some stretches to do, as well he stretched my ankle in a bunch of ways to see if it would help and boy did it EVER! It was kind of gross at first though because my ankle popped quite a few times and that was a big part of my stiffness in ROM. I guess my ankle bone had locked up because of all the time in my walking boot. After the jointed released it was a totally different foot, it would MOVE quite a bit! YAHOO! We were both shocked how much better it moved after that happened.
We did some exercises with me walking on the floor barefoot with my crutches --taking baby steps to make sure I was using my left foot correctly. Basically a rolling motion from heel to toe and same with the other foot---it has compensated for the bad one so it wasn't even walking properly.
I was still experiencing some odd nerve sensations in the foot, esp the heel but nothing I couldn't handle. As the session when on the foot got used to holding more weight on it and the nerves seemed to get used to it.
the hour session whizzed by and we rechecked the measurements for ROM and well, we were amazed by the up and down improvement! It went from - 15 to + 2 , I was so happy I could cry! haha!
I will go 2x's a week for about 6weeks-- I know I will be in very good shape by then!
I left with a HUGE smile on my face and my foot felt so much better. I got home and showed Adam, he was really surprised to see that I could almost walk on my own again(without the stupid BOOT).
Oh and I DROVE WITH just my regular shoe on my foot too...........heck ya, it felt great to be able to push the clutch pedal like normal people do! HA HA!
I was in such a great mood I had to go to the ranch to visit for a bit and show off my new walking skills. haha! I had a nice visit, watch a few people ride then head to town to pick up a few items for dinner.
I took my 7.5mg of Warfarin and took an tylenol as well because my foot was a bit sore from physio but a good sore. :-)
I just hung out for the rest of the evening but I tell you, I felt really optimistic about the ankle recovery which was so nice! Finally some light at the end of the TUnnel(haha TARSAL TUNNEL).
Thanks for checking in
When I got there Chris(my PT) was very concerned about the ROM in my ankle, it was very poor and would need a fair amount of work to gain a normal range back.
He used a special measuring device to chart where the ROM was in my ankle --- the up and down ROM was horrible, it measured in at -15! He said that was really bad and needed to get that improving asap! Most of the other directions we checked seemed not too bad, definitely nothing that wouldnt come back after a little bit of time.
He showed me some stretches to do, as well he stretched my ankle in a bunch of ways to see if it would help and boy did it EVER! It was kind of gross at first though because my ankle popped quite a few times and that was a big part of my stiffness in ROM. I guess my ankle bone had locked up because of all the time in my walking boot. After the jointed released it was a totally different foot, it would MOVE quite a bit! YAHOO! We were both shocked how much better it moved after that happened.
We did some exercises with me walking on the floor barefoot with my crutches --taking baby steps to make sure I was using my left foot correctly. Basically a rolling motion from heel to toe and same with the other foot---it has compensated for the bad one so it wasn't even walking properly.
I was still experiencing some odd nerve sensations in the foot, esp the heel but nothing I couldn't handle. As the session when on the foot got used to holding more weight on it and the nerves seemed to get used to it.
the hour session whizzed by and we rechecked the measurements for ROM and well, we were amazed by the up and down improvement! It went from - 15 to + 2 , I was so happy I could cry! haha!
I will go 2x's a week for about 6weeks-- I know I will be in very good shape by then!
I left with a HUGE smile on my face and my foot felt so much better. I got home and showed Adam, he was really surprised to see that I could almost walk on my own again(without the stupid BOOT).
Oh and I DROVE WITH just my regular shoe on my foot too...........heck ya, it felt great to be able to push the clutch pedal like normal people do! HA HA!
I was in such a great mood I had to go to the ranch to visit for a bit and show off my new walking skills. haha! I had a nice visit, watch a few people ride then head to town to pick up a few items for dinner.
I took my 7.5mg of Warfarin and took an tylenol as well because my foot was a bit sore from physio but a good sore. :-)
I just hung out for the rest of the evening but I tell you, I felt really optimistic about the ankle recovery which was so nice! Finally some light at the end of the TUnnel(haha TARSAL TUNNEL).
Thanks for checking in
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Post-Op Day # 72 - Dress Up
Well yesterday I had my INR tested and it was at 2.5 -- perfect! Phew, I was so worried it was going to be too low due to all the exercise I did while on VI. I don't go back for 2 weeks now to get tested again......yay!
After my test I drove to Ross Dress for Less and spent quite a while in there looking around for shirts etc... and then it clicked in my head that I don't have anything to wear to Tessa's wedding on July 18th! EEEEEEEK! I decided to go through the dresses and pick out a few to try on!
Ok, so that was quite the task, remember I have my stupid walking boot on and crutches still.....haha so it takes me a while to get around, let a lone "slip" in and out of dresses. haha!
I managed to find 4 dresses to try to pushed my cart to the dressing area and got the lady to help get me to a fitting room. the first two dresses I tried didn't look good on me, I was bummed out with the one dress because it was the one that really caught my eye when I was going through the racks.
the other 2 dresses looked awesome on, I loved both and couldn't decide which I liked best -- and Adam wasn't around for his opinion so I thought "hey, buy both, see what Adam thinks and bring one back" Perfect idea!!
Btw, I'll post a picture of the dress on here
I took the long way home, the scenic route and stopped at a drive-thru coffee shop that has SUPER TASTY Chai Latte's! mmmmm hmmmm!
one more quick stop to fill a RX for my Warfarin, waited the 15mins for it to be ready -- just sat in the car enjoying my chai latte and listening some tunes! haha!
I was excited to get home so I could begin the fashion show! HA HA! Poor Adam, he was busy working and I kept saying "what do you think about this one" --- he was good about it, he'd stop and say why he liked each one, which one he liked more. :-) I trust his taste plus I couldn't go wrong with either choice!
We decided on the one we like and so I'll take the other back this week. I'm looking forward to the wedding and visiting the island again even though we just got back last week. haha!
Anyways, I was pooped from all the hobbling about, trying dresses on etc... that it was time for a short nap to recharge! PHEW, I was running on EmPTY!
After my nap I was determined to find a pair of my sandals but couldn't find them in the closet so I figured they were in the garage. I went down there and got totally side tracked with sweeping, moving some boxes around(Umm ya, neat freak haha) then eventually found the box with the shoes! YAY!
I came back up and was whipped again..............gez louise, I had no energy at all yesterday! I think I have a bit of a cold or something, just feeling extra sluggish this weekend/week.
I watched a few episodes of House and then decided to make dinner --- Tilapia, rice and veggie stirfry mmm mmm, very good!
Took my 7.5mg of Warfarin @ 8pm
I didn't stay up late, my body needed sleep so I hit the hay!
Thanks for checking in
After my test I drove to Ross Dress for Less and spent quite a while in there looking around for shirts etc... and then it clicked in my head that I don't have anything to wear to Tessa's wedding on July 18th! EEEEEEEK! I decided to go through the dresses and pick out a few to try on!
Ok, so that was quite the task, remember I have my stupid walking boot on and crutches still.....haha so it takes me a while to get around, let a lone "slip" in and out of dresses. haha!
I managed to find 4 dresses to try to pushed my cart to the dressing area and got the lady to help get me to a fitting room. the first two dresses I tried didn't look good on me, I was bummed out with the one dress because it was the one that really caught my eye when I was going through the racks.
the other 2 dresses looked awesome on, I loved both and couldn't decide which I liked best -- and Adam wasn't around for his opinion so I thought "hey, buy both, see what Adam thinks and bring one back" Perfect idea!!
Btw, I'll post a picture of the dress on here
I took the long way home, the scenic route and stopped at a drive-thru coffee shop that has SUPER TASTY Chai Latte's! mmmmm hmmmm!
one more quick stop to fill a RX for my Warfarin, waited the 15mins for it to be ready -- just sat in the car enjoying my chai latte and listening some tunes! haha!
I was excited to get home so I could begin the fashion show! HA HA! Poor Adam, he was busy working and I kept saying "what do you think about this one" --- he was good about it, he'd stop and say why he liked each one, which one he liked more. :-) I trust his taste plus I couldn't go wrong with either choice!
We decided on the one we like and so I'll take the other back this week. I'm looking forward to the wedding and visiting the island again even though we just got back last week. haha!
Anyways, I was pooped from all the hobbling about, trying dresses on etc... that it was time for a short nap to recharge! PHEW, I was running on EmPTY!
After my nap I was determined to find a pair of my sandals but couldn't find them in the closet so I figured they were in the garage. I went down there and got totally side tracked with sweeping, moving some boxes around(Umm ya, neat freak haha) then eventually found the box with the shoes! YAY!
I came back up and was whipped again..............gez louise, I had no energy at all yesterday! I think I have a bit of a cold or something, just feeling extra sluggish this weekend/week.
I watched a few episodes of House and then decided to make dinner --- Tilapia, rice and veggie stirfry mmm mmm, very good!
Took my 7.5mg of Warfarin @ 8pm
I didn't stay up late, my body needed sleep so I hit the hay!
Thanks for checking in
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Post-Op Day # 71 - Sleepy Sunday
Well I slept not so good at the clients place last night but I never sleep that well at that place for some reason -- think its the bed and then I worry about oversleeping and risk the dogs doing some Opps in the house! Never had one yet but don't want to start it! LOL
I woke up, let the dogs out for a while to play, threw the ball and tried to stay awake till it was time to drive home. HA HA!
My client was coming home around noon so I left around 11am that way I knew the dogs would be good just incase they didn't get home till a bit later.
I came home, had some coffee cause I needed a good kick in the pants to wake myself up -phew, didn't work too well either.
We've been in the house all day because it was raining hard, there was even thunder for a bit but now it seems to be clearing up which is great.
I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open.......haha, what a waste of the day. I don't care, Sunday's are for hanging out with Adam and doing whatever we want, including SQUAT! Roflmao!
I did have a nice talk with my dad on the phone earlier today for Fathers Day so that was cool :-)
My mom called me this morning too.....today was talk to my parents on the phone day!
Right now I think Adam is getting his stuff organized to walk then maybe he'll go to the shooting range for a bit. I'm happy just hanging out, I have no energy for anything today :-(
Well unless something exciting happens I'm calling it a day --- too many blogs too type, not enough sleep.............hahaha but hey I made some $$$ so that is good.
btw, tomorro morning I go for my INR testing so we'll see if I'm still over 2.0 --- I did a lot of physical activity on VI, hopefully it didn't drop it too low. haha!
thanks for checking in
I woke up, let the dogs out for a while to play, threw the ball and tried to stay awake till it was time to drive home. HA HA!
My client was coming home around noon so I left around 11am that way I knew the dogs would be good just incase they didn't get home till a bit later.
I came home, had some coffee cause I needed a good kick in the pants to wake myself up -phew, didn't work too well either.
We've been in the house all day because it was raining hard, there was even thunder for a bit but now it seems to be clearing up which is great.
I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open.......haha, what a waste of the day. I don't care, Sunday's are for hanging out with Adam and doing whatever we want, including SQUAT! Roflmao!
I did have a nice talk with my dad on the phone earlier today for Fathers Day so that was cool :-)
My mom called me this morning too.....today was talk to my parents on the phone day!
Right now I think Adam is getting his stuff organized to walk then maybe he'll go to the shooting range for a bit. I'm happy just hanging out, I have no energy for anything today :-(
Well unless something exciting happens I'm calling it a day --- too many blogs too type, not enough sleep.............hahaha but hey I made some $$$ so that is good.
btw, tomorro morning I go for my INR testing so we'll see if I'm still over 2.0 --- I did a lot of physical activity on VI, hopefully it didn't drop it too low. haha!
thanks for checking in
Post-Op Day # 70 - Dog Sitting
Well yesterday I woke up at a decent time, hung out with Adam for a bit then had to start my dog sitting job. I love this client's dogs, Angus and Harley are the best -- adorable, smart and cuddly!
I went over at 1:30pm for 1.5hrs to let them out, throw the ball and watch a bit of TV -- ah yes, some medical shows! haha! I watching ER shows and Dr. G, the lady who does autopsies. ROFLMAO, morbid aren't I now!
After the dogs had enough romping time I put them back up in their room and head out for the afternoon to spend time with Adam, that was around 3pm.
We decided to go to Issaquah for lunch(Chiptole) and maybe wash the car --but nope, didn't do that cause the weather was getting nasty.
We went to Target to get a digital antenna then up to Adams favorite coffee shop, Caffe Ladre on the Issaquah Highlands.
I stayed in the car because I had a splitting headache again and didn't feel like getting out, esp when there's noisy kids yelling and running out front of the shop! UGH!
We stayed there for about 10mins then head back home -- my head was pounding so I chilled out on the couch for a bit hoping and praying the headache would go away.
My whole body was sore/stiff so I don't know if this is some sort of bug or what but I don't like it.
it was time to take my warfarin and then I figured I'd probably call it a night and head back to the dogs to stay the night.
I said good night to Adam and went over to the house to watch some TV for a bit then crashed out in bed till morning.
Well that is my excitement for the weekend --- Adam, dogs, sleep, food and nasty headaches.
I went over at 1:30pm for 1.5hrs to let them out, throw the ball and watch a bit of TV -- ah yes, some medical shows! haha! I watching ER shows and Dr. G, the lady who does autopsies. ROFLMAO, morbid aren't I now!
After the dogs had enough romping time I put them back up in their room and head out for the afternoon to spend time with Adam, that was around 3pm.
We decided to go to Issaquah for lunch(Chiptole) and maybe wash the car --but nope, didn't do that cause the weather was getting nasty.
We went to Target to get a digital antenna then up to Adams favorite coffee shop, Caffe Ladre on the Issaquah Highlands.
I stayed in the car because I had a splitting headache again and didn't feel like getting out, esp when there's noisy kids yelling and running out front of the shop! UGH!
We stayed there for about 10mins then head back home -- my head was pounding so I chilled out on the couch for a bit hoping and praying the headache would go away.
My whole body was sore/stiff so I don't know if this is some sort of bug or what but I don't like it.
it was time to take my warfarin and then I figured I'd probably call it a night and head back to the dogs to stay the night.
I said good night to Adam and went over to the house to watch some TV for a bit then crashed out in bed till morning.
Well that is my excitement for the weekend --- Adam, dogs, sleep, food and nasty headaches.
compression stocking,
KAM boot,
Tarsal Tunnel Release,
Post-Op Day # 69 - TGIF
Thank God It's FRIDAY........I was really happy it was Friday for Adams sake, boy he was tired from the trip, dealing with the hiccups and feeling like crap all week.
I woke up and head out to the ranch around noon to watch some lessons -- Fridays are my favorite because it's a busy day out there!
I stayed for quite a while, the weather was very odd and we even had a torrential downpour at one point which was SOOOOOO loud on the covered riding ring. It was so nasty out that it was time to break up the party sort of speak. haha!
I was starving so I went to Subway for a quick sandwich and happen to see our old neighbor Ann so that was cool. :-)
I stayed there for a few minutes trying to wait the rain out then head back home to see how Adam was doing.
Adam was looking better which was a relief, he didn't look so hot on Thursday. I know he was looking forward to Friday being over with.
I finished up some laundry and a few things around the house but nothing too exciting. I was pretty tired and had a wicked headache for some reason which seemed to be on and off all day!
I don't remember what I did Friday night, I think I fell asleep early because of the headaches ---Tylenol seemed to help a tiny bit but I'm still not sure why I had them. I rarely get headaches. *Scratches head*
That's it for Friday........borrrrrrrrrrring, oh well you don't have to tell me about it. I can't wait to be able to ride and walk around the block again.
Thanks for checking in
I woke up and head out to the ranch around noon to watch some lessons -- Fridays are my favorite because it's a busy day out there!
I stayed for quite a while, the weather was very odd and we even had a torrential downpour at one point which was SOOOOOO loud on the covered riding ring. It was so nasty out that it was time to break up the party sort of speak. haha!
I was starving so I went to Subway for a quick sandwich and happen to see our old neighbor Ann so that was cool. :-)
I stayed there for a few minutes trying to wait the rain out then head back home to see how Adam was doing.
Adam was looking better which was a relief, he didn't look so hot on Thursday. I know he was looking forward to Friday being over with.
I finished up some laundry and a few things around the house but nothing too exciting. I was pretty tired and had a wicked headache for some reason which seemed to be on and off all day!
I don't remember what I did Friday night, I think I fell asleep early because of the headaches ---Tylenol seemed to help a tiny bit but I'm still not sure why I had them. I rarely get headaches. *Scratches head*
That's it for Friday........borrrrrrrrrrring, oh well you don't have to tell me about it. I can't wait to be able to ride and walk around the block again.
Thanks for checking in
compression stocking,
Rocky Mountain Horse,
Tarsal Tunnel Release,
Post-Op Day # 68 - Ankle Specialist Appointment
Well Thursday morning I had an appointment with Dr. Chi, he thought the ankle looked better but was concerned about the lack of mobility. We talked a bit and decided I needed to start physio asap now that the DVT's are getting much smaller and that my energy levels are up.
I will go this Wednesday for an hour assessment at the physiotherapy place on Snoqualmie Ridge --right behind our place, can't get closer then that!!! I'm sure it will feel like torture for the first while as the ankle is so stiff, the skin feels so tight and the nerves are still very angry!
Oh well, no pain no gain..........right, hmmmmm thats why they made pain medication I think! HA HA!
I will go back to Dr. Chi in 6 weeks, hopefully by then there will be a significant improvement with range of motion, strength and hopefully the pain issues due to the nerves will subside a bit. No guarantees though, that is the risk we took with surgery to hopefully get that pain reduced to where it's bearable -- maybe if I'm really lucky it will be gone.
All in all Dr Chi was happy to see I had made some progress on my own as I can put some weight on the front part of my foot and wobble around the house a bit. Though he said I wasn't doing myself any favors by doing it as it was putting my whole body out of whack and not doing anything good for the arch, heel and ankle.
After the appointment I grabbed a bite to eat in town then drove to the ranch to hang out for a while. It was nice to see everyone again and of course tell them all about how Frosty was doing. :-)
I left there around 6:30pm, head to the grocery store to pick up some food then head home because i was tired!!
I took my warfarin at 8pm then hung out watching Dr. House episodes for the rest of the evening till bed time. haha!
Well that's it, it'll be interesting to see how the physio goes this week :-)
thanks for checkin in
I will go this Wednesday for an hour assessment at the physiotherapy place on Snoqualmie Ridge --right behind our place, can't get closer then that!!! I'm sure it will feel like torture for the first while as the ankle is so stiff, the skin feels so tight and the nerves are still very angry!
Oh well, no pain no gain..........right, hmmmmm thats why they made pain medication I think! HA HA!
I will go back to Dr. Chi in 6 weeks, hopefully by then there will be a significant improvement with range of motion, strength and hopefully the pain issues due to the nerves will subside a bit. No guarantees though, that is the risk we took with surgery to hopefully get that pain reduced to where it's bearable -- maybe if I'm really lucky it will be gone.
All in all Dr Chi was happy to see I had made some progress on my own as I can put some weight on the front part of my foot and wobble around the house a bit. Though he said I wasn't doing myself any favors by doing it as it was putting my whole body out of whack and not doing anything good for the arch, heel and ankle.
After the appointment I grabbed a bite to eat in town then drove to the ranch to hang out for a while. It was nice to see everyone again and of course tell them all about how Frosty was doing. :-)
I left there around 6:30pm, head to the grocery store to pick up some food then head home because i was tired!!
I took my warfarin at 8pm then hung out watching Dr. House episodes for the rest of the evening till bed time. haha!
Well that's it, it'll be interesting to see how the physio goes this week :-)
thanks for checkin in
Post-Op Day # 67 - We're WHIPPED!
Wow, Wednesday we were both so tired but Adam had to work so that was no fun for him -- especially because he still wasn't feeling well. :-(
I was so exhausted from the trip, I did hardly anything..........haha, I think I managed to do 2 loads of laundry but that was it. I just wanted to sleep, sleep and more sleep but forced myself to stay awake for as long as I could before crashing out. haha!
On the upside, I had my first shower STANDING UP since the day before my surgery, April 7th. YAHOO, it felt so good to be able to stand up and shower rather then having to do the sitting like I had been before. Its a bit scary standing up because I can't put my left foot flat so that makes me a bit unstable but I can put my hand on the wall to help balance myself.
I did remember to take all my medications, esp the warfarin 7.5mg at 8pm.
Well that is it Wednesday was a blurr
I was so exhausted from the trip, I did hardly anything..........haha, I think I managed to do 2 loads of laundry but that was it. I just wanted to sleep, sleep and more sleep but forced myself to stay awake for as long as I could before crashing out. haha!
On the upside, I had my first shower STANDING UP since the day before my surgery, April 7th. YAHOO, it felt so good to be able to stand up and shower rather then having to do the sitting like I had been before. Its a bit scary standing up because I can't put my left foot flat so that makes me a bit unstable but I can put my hand on the wall to help balance myself.
I did remember to take all my medications, esp the warfarin 7.5mg at 8pm.
Well that is it Wednesday was a blurr
Post-Op Day # 66 - See Ya Soon
Well Tuesday we were leaving on the 7pm Victoria Clipper so we had to get our stuff organized during the day. Poor Adam had the worst case of hiccups, they went on for HOURS!
It was so bizarre plus he had a bit of a cough so that was triggering the hiccups when they'd finally stop. Ack, he was a mess!
I got the stuff packed up and decided Id take advantage of the decent weather and the few hours I had left to go visit Frosty one last time.
My foot was definitely tired Tuesday, all that moving about over the weekend, the bike riding etc... so I didn't move around too much at the barn.
I didn't have time to groom so just put Frosty in the round pen and free-longed her for a few minutes so I could get some action shots.
I can't get over how amazing she looks for 31, its crazy -- she really doesnt even look half her age or ACT IT! LOL I love it, she has a real ZEST for life :-)
I'll add a bunch of pictures for you to see!!
After I left the barn I decided to go visit The Cowichan Therapeutic Riding Association in Duncan. I worked there for 6yrs(till 2001 I think it was) , I miss it so I try to visit whenever possible. My ol boss Michelle was working so that was great, it was fun to chit chat with her for a few bit before heading back to my moms.
I got back home, Adam was finishing up work for the day, gathered the rest of the stuff and head out with my moms friend Mary down to Victoria to the Clipper terminal. :-)
I made sure to take my 10mg of Warfarin in my purse so I could take it at 8pm! Phew, good thing I remembered! LOL
The boat left on time at 7pm, the ride home was smooth and we got back to Seattle around 9:35pm so not too bad.
It was great to see my mom for a few days, she's progressing so well with her stroke recovery(been over a year now).
We're going back to VI soon for my good friend Tessa's wedding on July 18th so it'll be nice to see everyone again so soon!
Well that's it for the VI trip, we had a lot of fun, saw some friends, had a nice visit with my mom and saw Frosty quite a few times! :-)
Thanks for checkin in

It was so bizarre plus he had a bit of a cough so that was triggering the hiccups when they'd finally stop. Ack, he was a mess!
I got the stuff packed up and decided Id take advantage of the decent weather and the few hours I had left to go visit Frosty one last time.
My foot was definitely tired Tuesday, all that moving about over the weekend, the bike riding etc... so I didn't move around too much at the barn.
I didn't have time to groom so just put Frosty in the round pen and free-longed her for a few minutes so I could get some action shots.
I can't get over how amazing she looks for 31, its crazy -- she really doesnt even look half her age or ACT IT! LOL I love it, she has a real ZEST for life :-)
I'll add a bunch of pictures for you to see!!
After I left the barn I decided to go visit The Cowichan Therapeutic Riding Association in Duncan. I worked there for 6yrs(till 2001 I think it was) , I miss it so I try to visit whenever possible. My ol boss Michelle was working so that was great, it was fun to chit chat with her for a few bit before heading back to my moms.
I got back home, Adam was finishing up work for the day, gathered the rest of the stuff and head out with my moms friend Mary down to Victoria to the Clipper terminal. :-)
I made sure to take my 10mg of Warfarin in my purse so I could take it at 8pm! Phew, good thing I remembered! LOL
The boat left on time at 7pm, the ride home was smooth and we got back to Seattle around 9:35pm so not too bad.
It was great to see my mom for a few days, she's progressing so well with her stroke recovery(been over a year now).
We're going back to VI soon for my good friend Tessa's wedding on July 18th so it'll be nice to see everyone again so soon!
Well that's it for the VI trip, we had a lot of fun, saw some friends, had a nice visit with my mom and saw Frosty quite a few times! :-)
Thanks for checkin in

compression stocking,
KAM boot,
Tarsal Tunnel Release,
Post-Op Day # 65 - Time To Chill
Monday was fun, we got up and Adam wanted to go for a swim in the Cowichan River so we got our stuff together for that. I decided to ride my moms trike down to the river instead of trying to hobble with the crutches or see if the wheelchair could get through the rocks.
It was a lot of fun, I rode the bike quite a ways, thank goodness for a strong good leg because it was doing almost all the work(left foot was more of a passenger haha). The bike fit all the way down the trail which was cool, though scary going over the narrow foot bridge --boy if you don't line it up just right you could have a bit of a wipe out. It does have hand rails but still, you wouldn't want to deal with a ooops like that.
We got to the access part and I got of the bike and managed to wait while Adam got the bike down to the river bed. It was awesome, we parked it a few feet from the edge so I could sit on it while Adam swam plus it was handy for the clothes! HAHA!
Adam had a lot of fun in the river, the water was just the right temperature --cool enough to be refreshing but not numbing. LOL
I got Adam to take a picture of me on the bike haha!
We head back home to clean up before heading downtown Duncan to one of our favorite stores, Wall Street. I wanted to see if they had any Peter Grimm hats, I have one in green but thought it might be cool to get one in black or tan. they had a ton of hats but I ended up getting a different brand(forget right now, hat is downstairs) --very cute black one with some studs and stones on it.
After that we went back home and had a tasty spaghetti dinner with my mom :-)
We hung out around the house for a bit then head to the barn to see Frosty. We took the camera with us this time so we could get some good pictures. :-) Adam was nice enough to take some of Frosty and I.
I took my 7.5mg of warfarin while I was there.
We stayed there for a while then head back to Duncan to my moms. My leg was very tired from bike riding and being at the barn but good tired.

It was a lot of fun, I rode the bike quite a ways, thank goodness for a strong good leg because it was doing almost all the work(left foot was more of a passenger haha). The bike fit all the way down the trail which was cool, though scary going over the narrow foot bridge --boy if you don't line it up just right you could have a bit of a wipe out. It does have hand rails but still, you wouldn't want to deal with a ooops like that.
We got to the access part and I got of the bike and managed to wait while Adam got the bike down to the river bed. It was awesome, we parked it a few feet from the edge so I could sit on it while Adam swam plus it was handy for the clothes! HAHA!
Adam had a lot of fun in the river, the water was just the right temperature --cool enough to be refreshing but not numbing. LOL
I got Adam to take a picture of me on the bike haha!
We head back home to clean up before heading downtown Duncan to one of our favorite stores, Wall Street. I wanted to see if they had any Peter Grimm hats, I have one in green but thought it might be cool to get one in black or tan. they had a ton of hats but I ended up getting a different brand(forget right now, hat is downstairs) --very cute black one with some studs and stones on it.
After that we went back home and had a tasty spaghetti dinner with my mom :-)
We hung out around the house for a bit then head to the barn to see Frosty. We took the camera with us this time so we could get some good pictures. :-) Adam was nice enough to take some of Frosty and I.
I took my 7.5mg of warfarin while I was there.
We stayed there for a while then head back to Duncan to my moms. My leg was very tired from bike riding and being at the barn but good tired.

Post-Op Day # 64 - Food, Friends and Frosty
Well last Sunday we had a nice BBQ at my moms place, the weather was fabulous and some good friends showed up!
We just hung out on the deck, ate some yummy burgers, nibbled on veggies and chit-chat -- it was nice to just relax and kick back with some friends and family.
After the BBQ Adam & I head to Cobble Hill to see Frosty -- yay! We spent quite a while down there, I gave her a good grooming with my friend Sandy.
I think by the time we got home it was 10:30-11pm! haha! Oh well, I was ready for bed after a long day.
The ankle felt pretty good from all the moving around so that was a relief. I "wobbled" around almost all day at the BBQ so the ankle got a really good work out.
I made sure to take my 10mg of Warfarin with me to the barn so I wouldn't miss my dose or take it late.
That's it for Sunday, we were zonked!
Thanks for checking in

We just hung out on the deck, ate some yummy burgers, nibbled on veggies and chit-chat -- it was nice to just relax and kick back with some friends and family.
After the BBQ Adam & I head to Cobble Hill to see Frosty -- yay! We spent quite a while down there, I gave her a good grooming with my friend Sandy.
I think by the time we got home it was 10:30-11pm! haha! Oh well, I was ready for bed after a long day.
The ankle felt pretty good from all the moving around so that was a relief. I "wobbled" around almost all day at the BBQ so the ankle got a really good work out.
I made sure to take my 10mg of Warfarin with me to the barn so I wouldn't miss my dose or take it late.
That's it for Sunday, we were zonked!
Thanks for checking in

Monday, June 15, 2009
Post-Op Day # 63 - Vancouver Island Here We COME!
Well Saturday morning we finished getting our stuff together for our trip to Vancouver Island, BC, Canada. I also had to organize the cats stuff because we didn't have anyone set up to come check on them but they're fine for 4 days.
I put out extra water bowls and put the self-feeder out so they had acces to whatever they wanted food wise. I put out 2 litter boxes because I know they'll fill them up! LOL we left a couple fans on to help keep the apartment cooler for them.
We left our place at 12:30pm so we could grab a quick lunch at Chiptole before heading downtown to get the Victoria Clipper. We had to be there for 2:15pm check in but the boat didn't leave till 3:15pm.
We checked out bags then went out to stand in line for the boat -- LOL we got on the boat second because I'm special - haha, not but really because I am on crutches :-) The ramp wasn't too bad down to the boat, I was really worried I might slip and fall.
The ride over was smooth till we got to the Strait of Juan De Fuca, boy the boat was bouncing really good. haha its sort of fun when it's like that, I don't mind it at all.
We arrived to Victoria around 6pm and my mom was there to pick us up. I drove home to Duncan which is about an hour or so drive. It was nice to finally be at the house, the day seems so long and tiring when you're traveling.
I took my 10mg of Warfarin at 8pm.
We didn't do much, just hung out around the house for a bit and then took a quick ride around the block in the wee-chair(my mom has one here). My ankle felt pretty good considering all the moving about.
The weather was amazing all day, the evening temperature is to die for!
We went to bed pretty early because we were so tired and wanted to get a good rest so we could do some stuff on Sunda(including havinga BBQ with some friends).
Anyways, thats about it for Saturday :-)
Thanks for checking in
I put out extra water bowls and put the self-feeder out so they had acces to whatever they wanted food wise. I put out 2 litter boxes because I know they'll fill them up! LOL we left a couple fans on to help keep the apartment cooler for them.
We left our place at 12:30pm so we could grab a quick lunch at Chiptole before heading downtown to get the Victoria Clipper. We had to be there for 2:15pm check in but the boat didn't leave till 3:15pm.
We checked out bags then went out to stand in line for the boat -- LOL we got on the boat second because I'm special - haha, not but really because I am on crutches :-) The ramp wasn't too bad down to the boat, I was really worried I might slip and fall.
The ride over was smooth till we got to the Strait of Juan De Fuca, boy the boat was bouncing really good. haha its sort of fun when it's like that, I don't mind it at all.
We arrived to Victoria around 6pm and my mom was there to pick us up. I drove home to Duncan which is about an hour or so drive. It was nice to finally be at the house, the day seems so long and tiring when you're traveling.
I took my 10mg of Warfarin at 8pm.
We didn't do much, just hung out around the house for a bit and then took a quick ride around the block in the wee-chair(my mom has one here). My ankle felt pretty good considering all the moving about.
The weather was amazing all day, the evening temperature is to die for!
We went to bed pretty early because we were so tired and wanted to get a good rest so we could do some stuff on Sunda(including havinga BBQ with some friends).
Anyways, thats about it for Saturday :-)
Thanks for checking in
compression stocking,
KAM boot,
Tarsal Tunnel Release,
Friday, June 12, 2009
Post-Op Day # 62 - Wobble Wobble!
Well today was a very good day because I did a bunch of my stretches with my foot and it felt really good.
I was able to SORT OF WALK(er wobbled) a few steps without my crutches today~ YAHOO! It was amusing because it's not pretty to watch, very odd because I can't really put the foot totally flat yet but can use the toes/ball of the foot to take enough pressure to push off so I can sort of take a step.
My knee can't straighten out either so its super bent when I "walk" -- I'm such a gimp, I'm wobbling my way to health! hah
I'm very excited, this is just the beginning of getting off my crutches finally and I know Dr. Chi will be happy to hear this when I go this coming Thursday for my appointment. If this keeps up I should be able to walk without them all the time in a week or two -- can't wait to put the crutches in the garage. haha!
After excitement I thought I better get some packing done so I'm not doing it last minute tomorrow morning. :-) We leave at 3pm tomorrow and get in around 6:15pm to Victoria - my mom is picking us up.
We've planned a BBQ on Sunday so we can have some friends over, the weather is supposed to be good too(about 22c). I'm not sure who's all coming but I invited the regular crew. haha! I'll try to take some pictures on Sunday if I get a chance.
After I got most of my packing done I head to the barn for a bit -- I watched Julie ride Hollywood and work on some desensitizing exercises with a pop bottle. Hollywood was quite afraid of it at first but by the end was good.
I left and went to North Bend to pick up a small thing of milk and whipped home to rest up. I still have some packing to do but not much. Need to have a shower, do my nails, get the cats stuff organized for the days we're not here and then chill.
It's almost time to take my 7.5mg of Warfarin.
I probably won't be able to update this for a few days so enjoy the weekend and I'll write when I can.
Take care and thanks for checking in
I was able to SORT OF WALK(er wobbled) a few steps without my crutches today~ YAHOO! It was amusing because it's not pretty to watch, very odd because I can't really put the foot totally flat yet but can use the toes/ball of the foot to take enough pressure to push off so I can sort of take a step.
My knee can't straighten out either so its super bent when I "walk" -- I'm such a gimp, I'm wobbling my way to health! hah
I'm very excited, this is just the beginning of getting off my crutches finally and I know Dr. Chi will be happy to hear this when I go this coming Thursday for my appointment. If this keeps up I should be able to walk without them all the time in a week or two -- can't wait to put the crutches in the garage. haha!
After excitement I thought I better get some packing done so I'm not doing it last minute tomorrow morning. :-) We leave at 3pm tomorrow and get in around 6:15pm to Victoria - my mom is picking us up.
We've planned a BBQ on Sunday so we can have some friends over, the weather is supposed to be good too(about 22c). I'm not sure who's all coming but I invited the regular crew. haha! I'll try to take some pictures on Sunday if I get a chance.
After I got most of my packing done I head to the barn for a bit -- I watched Julie ride Hollywood and work on some desensitizing exercises with a pop bottle. Hollywood was quite afraid of it at first but by the end was good.
I left and went to North Bend to pick up a small thing of milk and whipped home to rest up. I still have some packing to do but not much. Need to have a shower, do my nails, get the cats stuff organized for the days we're not here and then chill.
It's almost time to take my 7.5mg of Warfarin.
I probably won't be able to update this for a few days so enjoy the weekend and I'll write when I can.
Take care and thanks for checking in
compression stocking,
KAM boot,
Rocky Mountain Horse,
Tarsal Tunnel Release,
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Post-Op Day # 61 - A Pretty Good Day
Well today was Adam & my 6yr wedding Anniversary YAY! It's hard to believe it's been that long already, loving every minute of it too.
I'm very blessed to have him in my life, he's definitely my soul mate! <3
I had my INR testing this morning @ 9:45am, it was 2.3 so that was good news plus I get to wait 10 days till my next test! YAHOO, I'm liking that ideal a lot and soon we'll be doing 2weeks in between test. :-)
I zipped over to The Grange to pick up a fly mask for Frosty so I can take it with me on Saturday to the island. I'm so excited to see the ol sassy pony--don't worry I will take oodles of pictures.
After that I drove to see a friend/client of mine who has a nice farm in Issaquah -- it was great to see him, I haven't seen him in a couple years now. I spent quite a while hanging out, watching him and the workers doing some reno's on the house.
I even got spoiled and was able to go down to the old office and get some Zilco(synthetic harness/endurance tack) goodies. He gave me 2 bridles, a tack hanger, some bit hangers, it was so cool, sort of felt like a horsey shopping spree! HA HA!
I finally left there and head to Ross Dress For Less to cruise the isles for a bit -- didn't find anything worth while but wow sure got a good work out walking around -- oh and yes, very amusing I was pushing a tiny shopping cart at the same time. I'd push it in front of me about 3 feet then hobble to it, push it again -- haha, I did that for about 30mins or so.
After toodling around in there I head back home, gosh it had to be around 4pm at that point.
Boy I was pooped by the time I got home, ready to crash out plus I was feeling a bit anxious, not sure why.
I spend an hour or so playing with my new bridles.......haha, too funny! I was trying to figure out which one I wanted to keep for use here and which one to take over to Frosty. DECISIONS DECISIONS.....ack! ROFLMAO!
We had a bite to eat then we watched an episode of House before Adam decided to go skating. I told him to go, I'm so tired tonight and ready to head to bed now.
I took my 10mg of Warfarin @ 8pm -- we're sticking to the same dosages T/Thurs/Sat 10mg and M/W/F/Sun 7.5mg because it seems to be doing the trick. :-)
Well sorry I'm not too exciting but I'm so ready for bed.
thanks for checking in
I'm very blessed to have him in my life, he's definitely my soul mate! <3
I had my INR testing this morning @ 9:45am, it was 2.3 so that was good news plus I get to wait 10 days till my next test! YAHOO, I'm liking that ideal a lot and soon we'll be doing 2weeks in between test. :-)
I zipped over to The Grange to pick up a fly mask for Frosty so I can take it with me on Saturday to the island. I'm so excited to see the ol sassy pony--don't worry I will take oodles of pictures.
After that I drove to see a friend/client of mine who has a nice farm in Issaquah -- it was great to see him, I haven't seen him in a couple years now. I spent quite a while hanging out, watching him and the workers doing some reno's on the house.
I even got spoiled and was able to go down to the old office and get some Zilco(synthetic harness/endurance tack) goodies. He gave me 2 bridles, a tack hanger, some bit hangers, it was so cool, sort of felt like a horsey shopping spree! HA HA!
I finally left there and head to Ross Dress For Less to cruise the isles for a bit -- didn't find anything worth while but wow sure got a good work out walking around -- oh and yes, very amusing I was pushing a tiny shopping cart at the same time. I'd push it in front of me about 3 feet then hobble to it, push it again -- haha, I did that for about 30mins or so.
After toodling around in there I head back home, gosh it had to be around 4pm at that point.
Boy I was pooped by the time I got home, ready to crash out plus I was feeling a bit anxious, not sure why.
I spend an hour or so playing with my new bridles.......haha, too funny! I was trying to figure out which one I wanted to keep for use here and which one to take over to Frosty. DECISIONS DECISIONS.....ack! ROFLMAO!
We had a bite to eat then we watched an episode of House before Adam decided to go skating. I told him to go, I'm so tired tonight and ready to head to bed now.
I took my 10mg of Warfarin @ 8pm -- we're sticking to the same dosages T/Thurs/Sat 10mg and M/W/F/Sun 7.5mg because it seems to be doing the trick. :-)
Well sorry I'm not too exciting but I'm so ready for bed.
thanks for checking in
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Post-Op Day # 60 - Time Flies By
Well today was spent outside at the ranch watching lots of people riding! Julie rode Mercury and Karma, Jenny was teaching quite a few students so it was a busy day at the ranch!
I hobbled around quite a bit today so I was tired by the time I got home at 7pm! Long day to say the least! oh well, its always nice to be outside in the fresh air and chit chatting with the ladies at RRR.
I came home, had a shower then laid down for a few minutes - I probably got too much sun today too. ack!
Got up, took the 7.5mg of Warfarin and then vegged till now.
My foot feels pretty good today, I did some more stretching and it seemed to lay flatter when I wanted to bear more weight on it so that was very good but ofcourse the weird nerve sensations were there too. haha!
Well off to bed! I have my INR test tomorrow morning then off to visit a sitting client of mine that I haven't seen in a few years. :-)
Thanks for checking in
I hobbled around quite a bit today so I was tired by the time I got home at 7pm! Long day to say the least! oh well, its always nice to be outside in the fresh air and chit chatting with the ladies at RRR.
I came home, had a shower then laid down for a few minutes - I probably got too much sun today too. ack!
Got up, took the 7.5mg of Warfarin and then vegged till now.
My foot feels pretty good today, I did some more stretching and it seemed to lay flatter when I wanted to bear more weight on it so that was very good but ofcourse the weird nerve sensations were there too. haha!
Well off to bed! I have my INR test tomorrow morning then off to visit a sitting client of mine that I haven't seen in a few years. :-)
Thanks for checking in
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Post-Op Day # 59 - Busy Bee
I was busy as a bee today(dodged a few bees buzz around my head too! LOL) , the day started off by taking the car to Issaquah for an oil change.
I had to leave the car for an hour so I decided to hobble as far as I could before I got tired......haha, I didn't make it that far, maybe 2 blocks and then decided to stop at McD's for a drink.
I sat there, read the newspaper to kill some time then head back to pick up the car so I could go to PetSmart to get our snakes some food. Mmm frozen pre-killed mice HA HA! Gross, oh well the snakes need to eat too.
After that I drove to the Grange(feed/tack store) to look around, oh yes its way too much fun in there. It's a popular place, I even saw one of the boarders from the ranch. I burned a good 30-45mins looking at all the bridles etc... before heading out with a cheap synthetic bridle for Frosty.
Whipped home to drop the mice off then went to the barn because Julie was going to ride Mercury and Karma. Hmmm that didn't happen, enough said! ha ha! WOW!
I was there for a few hours hanging out with Julie and Jenny plus I had to visit Karma and Olivia(Godiva's filly from last year) before I left.
I got a bit of exercise while I was there so that is good, I need to get that foot working better!!!
I left the ranch then head to the post office to send a card to my dad for father's day(he's in Ontario, Canada) because it can take a bit for it to get there plus we'll be away till Tuesday next week and knowing me I'll forget to do it and it'll be too late!
Now I'm home, tired but good tired --- just enjoying some time with ADAM! <3
My eye feels about the same today, it's still red and itchy but not any worse -- I put drops in it 3 times so far, one more to go.
I'm going to watch a couple episodes of House(oh yes, Im so hooked) and then take my 10mg of Warfarin @ 8pm.
We'll probably go for a stroll around the block in the wee-chair tonight because the weather is AWESOME today! Not too hot or cold, just right -- I wish everyday was like this.
Thanks for checking in :-)
I had to leave the car for an hour so I decided to hobble as far as I could before I got tired......haha, I didn't make it that far, maybe 2 blocks and then decided to stop at McD's for a drink.
I sat there, read the newspaper to kill some time then head back to pick up the car so I could go to PetSmart to get our snakes some food. Mmm frozen pre-killed mice HA HA! Gross, oh well the snakes need to eat too.
After that I drove to the Grange(feed/tack store) to look around, oh yes its way too much fun in there. It's a popular place, I even saw one of the boarders from the ranch. I burned a good 30-45mins looking at all the bridles etc... before heading out with a cheap synthetic bridle for Frosty.
Whipped home to drop the mice off then went to the barn because Julie was going to ride Mercury and Karma. Hmmm that didn't happen, enough said! ha ha! WOW!
I was there for a few hours hanging out with Julie and Jenny plus I had to visit Karma and Olivia(Godiva's filly from last year) before I left.
I got a bit of exercise while I was there so that is good, I need to get that foot working better!!!
I left the ranch then head to the post office to send a card to my dad for father's day(he's in Ontario, Canada) because it can take a bit for it to get there plus we'll be away till Tuesday next week and knowing me I'll forget to do it and it'll be too late!
Now I'm home, tired but good tired --- just enjoying some time with ADAM! <3
My eye feels about the same today, it's still red and itchy but not any worse -- I put drops in it 3 times so far, one more to go.
I'm going to watch a couple episodes of House(oh yes, Im so hooked) and then take my 10mg of Warfarin @ 8pm.
We'll probably go for a stroll around the block in the wee-chair tonight because the weather is AWESOME today! Not too hot or cold, just right -- I wish everyday was like this.
Thanks for checking in :-)
compression stocking,
KAM boot,
Tarsal Tunnel Release,
Post-Op Day # 58 - Eye Knew It!
Yesterday was exactly 2 months since my surgery, sometimes it feels much longer then that! haha!
I went to the eye Dr at 10:15 and yup, I was right the eye was starting to do the same thing as last time. A tiny ulcer showed up so I caught it much sooner then last time, last time there were 6 ulcers. As well there's some inflammation of the eyelid so I have to use the prednisolone drops again for a week, 4 times a day.
I have to keep an "eye" on it(haha) and if it doesn't get any better or gets worse go back asap and we'll try something else.
I've noticed today I didn't have the aching behind the eye nor did I have any headaches -- YAY!
I came home then did some more work with the foot, getting it to stretch a bit and it's definitely getting a bit better each time :-) I can move the foot quite a bit more now and take more weight on it - though the foot still doesn't want to lay flat.
Oh well, can't expect it to fix overnight so I'll just keep doing a bit each day. I really hope the pool opens up soon, it will be very good for my foot plus hey, I don't mind hanging out by the pool in the heat.
I'm really hoping that by the time I go to see Dr. Chi next week he'll be happy to see the progress I've made.
I went to the barn yesterday for a visit..........haha, well actually to watch them breed Morgan and Godiva for the last time(3rd times the charm hopefully).
They're both Rocky Mountain horses, he's a lovely chocolate color with silvery mane and she's a black beauty! <3
It was quick(minute man comes to mind haha), he was a gentleman, just the way the studs should be and Godiva, well she was in La-la Land with an after glow! HA HA!
Fingers crossed next April or beginning of May we should have a foal! :-) It's always exciting to wait those 11months and see what pops out!!!!!!!
Helene was there too, so we hung out for a little bit after the breeding because Helene walked and groomed Godiva before having to leave.
I had to go to North Bend to do some grocery shopping, I was pretty quick about getting what I needed so I could get home.
I made Tilapia and we had some pasta with veggies, it was tasty!
I took my 7.5mg of Warfarin @ 8pm and kicked back with the foot up and watched The Bachelorette........haha, ok so I'm hooked on those stupid shows but they're entertaining.
It was a quiet evening, I was pooped and went to bed pretty early.
That's it, so thanks for checking in
I went to the eye Dr at 10:15 and yup, I was right the eye was starting to do the same thing as last time. A tiny ulcer showed up so I caught it much sooner then last time, last time there were 6 ulcers. As well there's some inflammation of the eyelid so I have to use the prednisolone drops again for a week, 4 times a day.
I have to keep an "eye" on it(haha) and if it doesn't get any better or gets worse go back asap and we'll try something else.
I've noticed today I didn't have the aching behind the eye nor did I have any headaches -- YAY!
I came home then did some more work with the foot, getting it to stretch a bit and it's definitely getting a bit better each time :-) I can move the foot quite a bit more now and take more weight on it - though the foot still doesn't want to lay flat.
Oh well, can't expect it to fix overnight so I'll just keep doing a bit each day. I really hope the pool opens up soon, it will be very good for my foot plus hey, I don't mind hanging out by the pool in the heat.
I'm really hoping that by the time I go to see Dr. Chi next week he'll be happy to see the progress I've made.
I went to the barn yesterday for a visit..........haha, well actually to watch them breed Morgan and Godiva for the last time(3rd times the charm hopefully).
They're both Rocky Mountain horses, he's a lovely chocolate color with silvery mane and she's a black beauty! <3
It was quick(minute man comes to mind haha), he was a gentleman, just the way the studs should be and Godiva, well she was in La-la Land with an after glow! HA HA!
Fingers crossed next April or beginning of May we should have a foal! :-) It's always exciting to wait those 11months and see what pops out!!!!!!!
Helene was there too, so we hung out for a little bit after the breeding because Helene walked and groomed Godiva before having to leave.
I had to go to North Bend to do some grocery shopping, I was pretty quick about getting what I needed so I could get home.
I made Tilapia and we had some pasta with veggies, it was tasty!
I took my 7.5mg of Warfarin @ 8pm and kicked back with the foot up and watched The Bachelorette........haha, ok so I'm hooked on those stupid shows but they're entertaining.
It was a quiet evening, I was pooped and went to bed pretty early.
That's it, so thanks for checking in
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Post-Op Day # 57 - Ugh I Don't Feel So Good
Well today was another super boring day plus I wasn't feeling that good.
I was so stiff/sore still and my stomach was bugging me a bit so I was in no mood to do anything!
The most productive thing I did today was do some more stretching and exercises with my left foot. It seemed a bit better today with flexing it up and down so that was cool. I tried to make my heel drop a bit then bring it back up, it didn't move much but hey a bit is better then none!
I did that for about 15mins, was able to shimmy around a bit with the foot bearing some more weight but again the weird nerve sensations would happen and would make the foot twitch every now and then.
After that I laid back down and vegged out, I felt like DOOOOOOO DOOOOOOO so no need to move around and feel like I was going to fall over or get sick.
My stupid eye was bugging me still, I can't wait to get into the eye dr and see what is up!
Mid afternoon we were going to go for a walk around the block but I only made it half way before feeling like I was going to explode! Adam was nice to whiz me back in the wee-chair so I could come back upstairs with the bathroom was! UGH! I laid back down for a bit to see if that would help.
Later on we went out for a bit, I was feeling a bit better by that point but not fabulous.
We were going to get the car washed but missed the dang thing, forgot it closed earlier on Sunday.
Adam wanted a coffee so we went to Caffe Ladre and sat outside for a bit, enjoying the lovely cool weather again.
We made it back in time for me to take my 7.5mg of Warfarin and then I've been chilling since that time.
I still feel a bit off but atleast it's better then this morning! PHEW!
I was so stiff/sore still and my stomach was bugging me a bit so I was in no mood to do anything!
The most productive thing I did today was do some more stretching and exercises with my left foot. It seemed a bit better today with flexing it up and down so that was cool. I tried to make my heel drop a bit then bring it back up, it didn't move much but hey a bit is better then none!
I did that for about 15mins, was able to shimmy around a bit with the foot bearing some more weight but again the weird nerve sensations would happen and would make the foot twitch every now and then.
After that I laid back down and vegged out, I felt like DOOOOOOO DOOOOOOO so no need to move around and feel like I was going to fall over or get sick.
My stupid eye was bugging me still, I can't wait to get into the eye dr and see what is up!
Mid afternoon we were going to go for a walk around the block but I only made it half way before feeling like I was going to explode! Adam was nice to whiz me back in the wee-chair so I could come back upstairs with the bathroom was! UGH! I laid back down for a bit to see if that would help.
Later on we went out for a bit, I was feeling a bit better by that point but not fabulous.
We were going to get the car washed but missed the dang thing, forgot it closed earlier on Sunday.
Adam wanted a coffee so we went to Caffe Ladre and sat outside for a bit, enjoying the lovely cool weather again.
We made it back in time for me to take my 7.5mg of Warfarin and then I've been chilling since that time.
I still feel a bit off but atleast it's better then this morning! PHEW!
Post-Op Day # 56 - Saturday Stroll
Well yesterday was very nice and cool out!
We slept in a bit, neither of us were that motivated to get up -- esp me, my body has been so sore/stiff this week, I really need a trip to a massage therapist or chiropractor.
After we got up I tried to work on putting my weight on my ankle, see how it felt. It felt very bizarre, my foot wants to roll to the outside. When I do put weight on it, it feels like the whole ankle is being pulled in a direction it shouldn't go but really it's where it's supposed to be.
I managed to stand a bit but my left leg had to be way out front of the right one to do it.
I'm going to work on it a bit each day that way the foot will get used to stretching a bit.
I'm also going to work on starting to make the drop while holding my foot up in the air ---so almost like I was putting my foot in the stirrup and dropping my weight into the heel. It's very tight right now so I have to do a tiny bit at a time so I don't hurt it.
The nerves start getting all aggravated and I feel weird pins & needles, numbness, tingling, just a weird variety of sensations.
I worked on that for about 15mins then decided that was enough, I don't want my ankle to swell up bad or end up with a lot of pain. Especially since we want to be able to go to Canada next weekend! YAY!
we decided it would be nice to go for a ride in the wee-chair around the big block by the police station. We had a nice time, I had fun whizzing down the hills haha, boy I was going pretty fast on some of them, thank goodness for my brakes. :-)
We got back to the house, put the chair away then head out for some late lunch/dinner at Chiptole. Lunch was super yummy then went to Bellevue to the shooting range so Adam could pick up some ammo for one of his pistols.
After that we head back to Issaquah so he could get a coffee up at Caffe Ladre. We sat outside for a while just chilling out and enjoying the lovely cool weather ---we know it's not going to last so better enjoy it! Haha!
I think it was about 8:30pm by the time we got home, good thing I was smart and took my 10mg of Warfarin with me just incase we didn't get home for 8pm!
I put in some laundry and watched a few episodes of House --omg, I LOVE THAT SHOW! I never knew what it was about before, I just happen to see an episode while dog sitting and loved it. Now I can watch any episode I want online. :-) I love medical related shows, this one is very interesting. Check IT OUT!
I head to bed around 10-10:30pm because I was so tired and my eye was bugging me a bit. I'm pretty sure my ulcers are back. I'm going to go tomorrow hopefully and get them checked by my optometrist.
Well that's it for yesterday...........booooooooooooring but atleast I got to spend the whole day with Adam :-)
thanks for checking in
We slept in a bit, neither of us were that motivated to get up -- esp me, my body has been so sore/stiff this week, I really need a trip to a massage therapist or chiropractor.
After we got up I tried to work on putting my weight on my ankle, see how it felt. It felt very bizarre, my foot wants to roll to the outside. When I do put weight on it, it feels like the whole ankle is being pulled in a direction it shouldn't go but really it's where it's supposed to be.
I managed to stand a bit but my left leg had to be way out front of the right one to do it.
I'm going to work on it a bit each day that way the foot will get used to stretching a bit.
I'm also going to work on starting to make the drop while holding my foot up in the air ---so almost like I was putting my foot in the stirrup and dropping my weight into the heel. It's very tight right now so I have to do a tiny bit at a time so I don't hurt it.
The nerves start getting all aggravated and I feel weird pins & needles, numbness, tingling, just a weird variety of sensations.
I worked on that for about 15mins then decided that was enough, I don't want my ankle to swell up bad or end up with a lot of pain. Especially since we want to be able to go to Canada next weekend! YAY!
we decided it would be nice to go for a ride in the wee-chair around the big block by the police station. We had a nice time, I had fun whizzing down the hills haha, boy I was going pretty fast on some of them, thank goodness for my brakes. :-)
We got back to the house, put the chair away then head out for some late lunch/dinner at Chiptole. Lunch was super yummy then went to Bellevue to the shooting range so Adam could pick up some ammo for one of his pistols.
After that we head back to Issaquah so he could get a coffee up at Caffe Ladre. We sat outside for a while just chilling out and enjoying the lovely cool weather ---we know it's not going to last so better enjoy it! Haha!
I think it was about 8:30pm by the time we got home, good thing I was smart and took my 10mg of Warfarin with me just incase we didn't get home for 8pm!
I put in some laundry and watched a few episodes of House --omg, I LOVE THAT SHOW! I never knew what it was about before, I just happen to see an episode while dog sitting and loved it. Now I can watch any episode I want online. :-) I love medical related shows, this one is very interesting. Check IT OUT!
I head to bed around 10-10:30pm because I was so tired and my eye was bugging me a bit. I'm pretty sure my ulcers are back. I'm going to go tomorrow hopefully and get them checked by my optometrist.
Well that's it for yesterday...........booooooooooooring but atleast I got to spend the whole day with Adam :-)
thanks for checking in
compression stocking,
Tarsal Tunnel Release,
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Post-Op Day # 55 - Fresh Air & Horses
Yesterday I went to the barn around 1pm and watched everyone ride! The weather was nice and cool, a nice break from the hot days earlier this week.
It was fun to watch the lessons and hang out with my barn friends.........I miss being there and riding but always nice to visit!
All the fresh air is great for me plus I do get to hobble around a bit so I get some exercise too.
I think I was there till about 6pm then head to North Bend to pick up a cold drink.......mmm iced chai latte, dang it was good!
I got home and elevated the foot for a bit while laying down -- I used to nap all the time when I first had my surgery but now my body has more energy so I don't need to nap as much while is nice. Don't get me wrong, naps are soooooooooo nice! :-)
I took my 7.5mg of Warfarin @ 8pm then we decided to go to the North Bend grill for a steak dinner. Mmmm hmmmm! It was so good, I've never had a bad meal there in the past 2.5yrs that we've lived in this area.
We came back home and I was zonked, most likely all the fresh air earlier in the day and then a big meal. haha! I should have went for a walk around the block in the wee-chair but was too tired.
Yesterday I was also having bad headaches which I rarely get so I was a bit worried about that plus my right eye was feeling sore. I have this feeling the ulcers(from previous case of shingles) in my eye might be flared up again........ack, got to get it checked out because I might need to take my medicated drops again. haha, just what I need, more things to deal with right now.
I'll keep you posted on that situation, fingers crossed its not that, maybe some allergies or something.
Thats about it for yesterday
Thanks for checking in
It was fun to watch the lessons and hang out with my barn friends.........I miss being there and riding but always nice to visit!
All the fresh air is great for me plus I do get to hobble around a bit so I get some exercise too.
I think I was there till about 6pm then head to North Bend to pick up a cold drink.......mmm iced chai latte, dang it was good!
I got home and elevated the foot for a bit while laying down -- I used to nap all the time when I first had my surgery but now my body has more energy so I don't need to nap as much while is nice. Don't get me wrong, naps are soooooooooo nice! :-)
I took my 7.5mg of Warfarin @ 8pm then we decided to go to the North Bend grill for a steak dinner. Mmmm hmmmm! It was so good, I've never had a bad meal there in the past 2.5yrs that we've lived in this area.
We came back home and I was zonked, most likely all the fresh air earlier in the day and then a big meal. haha! I should have went for a walk around the block in the wee-chair but was too tired.
Yesterday I was also having bad headaches which I rarely get so I was a bit worried about that plus my right eye was feeling sore. I have this feeling the ulcers(from previous case of shingles) in my eye might be flared up again........ack, got to get it checked out because I might need to take my medicated drops again. haha, just what I need, more things to deal with right now.
I'll keep you posted on that situation, fingers crossed its not that, maybe some allergies or something.
Thats about it for yesterday
Thanks for checking in
Post-Op Day # 54 - INR Is Just Right!
Well I went to the barn for a visit Thursday morning, the barn manager was going to try riding Mercury and so she wanted me there to help her out.
I was so impressed with how she rode and handled him, it was pretty awesome to watch actually. She doesn't normally ride English(2 yrs ago she did) and so I was worried her comfort level might not be as good as it should be but boy she proved me wrong! :-)
I stayed at the barn till 2:15pm and then had to whiz to Issaquah for my INR test! HA HA!
My INR was 2.8, that is basically perfect(YAY), I was really worried it might be too low after all the exercise while dog sitting but nope, it was right where we want it. :-)
After that I decided to go to Fred Meyer to look around.........hehe, I rode in one of the electric chairs, it really does make it so much easier for me. I can't hobble around in those stores very long or carry anything so the e-chair is great(and FUN). haha!
I picked up a few things there then head back to the car to unload(had a helper too).
I called Adam to see if he wanted anything from town and we decided I should pick up some stuff to make Fajitas! MMmmmmm! I drove over to safeway and drove another electric chair(more power then the F. Meyer one haha) to pick up the items I needed.
By the time I got help to the car and was on my way home I was exhausted and my foot was a bit sore! it was soooooooooo HOT out! I was sweating so bad, I couldn't wait to get home and relax.
I just lazed around the house for the rest of the day with my foot up, I was so out of it -- too much heat, I just wanted to sleep it off.
I layed down and by the time I woke up it was time to take my Warfarin(10mg). haha!
We stayed in for the rest of the night, I went to be real early! PHEW!
Anyways, thats it for Thursday!
Thanks for checking in
I was so impressed with how she rode and handled him, it was pretty awesome to watch actually. She doesn't normally ride English(2 yrs ago she did) and so I was worried her comfort level might not be as good as it should be but boy she proved me wrong! :-)
I stayed at the barn till 2:15pm and then had to whiz to Issaquah for my INR test! HA HA!
My INR was 2.8, that is basically perfect(YAY), I was really worried it might be too low after all the exercise while dog sitting but nope, it was right where we want it. :-)
After that I decided to go to Fred Meyer to look around.........hehe, I rode in one of the electric chairs, it really does make it so much easier for me. I can't hobble around in those stores very long or carry anything so the e-chair is great(and FUN). haha!
I picked up a few things there then head back to the car to unload(had a helper too).
I called Adam to see if he wanted anything from town and we decided I should pick up some stuff to make Fajitas! MMmmmmm! I drove over to safeway and drove another electric chair(more power then the F. Meyer one haha) to pick up the items I needed.
By the time I got help to the car and was on my way home I was exhausted and my foot was a bit sore! it was soooooooooo HOT out! I was sweating so bad, I couldn't wait to get home and relax.
I just lazed around the house for the rest of the day with my foot up, I was so out of it -- too much heat, I just wanted to sleep it off.
I layed down and by the time I woke up it was time to take my Warfarin(10mg). haha!
We stayed in for the rest of the night, I went to be real early! PHEW!
Anyways, thats it for Thursday!
Thanks for checking in
blood thinner,
compression stocking,
KAM boot,
Tarsal Tunnel Release,
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Post-Op Day # 53 - Anti-Coagulant In Effect!
It was another very hot day, phew where's the AC when I need it?! haha!
I had a good sleep in MY OWN BED(YAY), thank goodness my body can't handle anymore of that other bed, its stiff as a board!
The other day I cut my leg on something but not sure what. It bled but I held my finger on it and it finally stopped so that was that.
This morning I guess I bumped the scab off and was sitting here checking my email when all of a sudden I thought I had a bug or something on my leg.
I reached down to rub it(not looking) and noticed blood on my hand when I brought it back up! YIKES! I looked down to find blood running down to the floor and a puddle about the size of 2 quarters! Holy crap!
I'm so lucky this chair has one of those plastic mats under it or that blood would have been all over the carpet(YIKES).
I quickly grabbed a tissue and wiped up the mess while placing a finger over the small cut and finally it stopped bleeding.
What a creepy thing to see --- haha, I laugh about it now but it was bizarre. I'm going to mention that to the lady at the ACC appointment tomorrow but I'm sure it's ok -- I mean it did stop as soon as I put some pressure on it for a minute. I'm going to have to watch that cut, make sure I don't bump the scab again.
I guess the Warfarin anti-coagulant is doing its job!
After that ordeal I had to go let the dogs out for my client so I did that and stayed there for an hour.
I needed to go to the bank in North Bend but decided to make a quick stop at the barn. The trainers were gone so I stayed long enough to visit Karma and Mercury then head to town to the bank.
Quick visit to the bank then head back home to retreat from the heat! YUK!
I didn't do much all afternoon, just not motivated to do anything. haha!
Time seemed to fly by today(it's fine by me!) and it was time to take my 7.5mg of warfarin @ 8pm.
We're heading out to the movie tonight so that will be fun and the theatre will be nice and COOL.
I thought my ACC appointment was first thing in the morning but its at 2:45pm, I don't mind that one bit.
I'll let you know how that goes tomorrow
Thanks for checking in
I had a good sleep in MY OWN BED(YAY), thank goodness my body can't handle anymore of that other bed, its stiff as a board!
The other day I cut my leg on something but not sure what. It bled but I held my finger on it and it finally stopped so that was that.
This morning I guess I bumped the scab off and was sitting here checking my email when all of a sudden I thought I had a bug or something on my leg.
I reached down to rub it(not looking) and noticed blood on my hand when I brought it back up! YIKES! I looked down to find blood running down to the floor and a puddle about the size of 2 quarters! Holy crap!
I'm so lucky this chair has one of those plastic mats under it or that blood would have been all over the carpet(YIKES).
I quickly grabbed a tissue and wiped up the mess while placing a finger over the small cut and finally it stopped bleeding.
What a creepy thing to see --- haha, I laugh about it now but it was bizarre. I'm going to mention that to the lady at the ACC appointment tomorrow but I'm sure it's ok -- I mean it did stop as soon as I put some pressure on it for a minute. I'm going to have to watch that cut, make sure I don't bump the scab again.
I guess the Warfarin anti-coagulant is doing its job!
After that ordeal I had to go let the dogs out for my client so I did that and stayed there for an hour.
I needed to go to the bank in North Bend but decided to make a quick stop at the barn. The trainers were gone so I stayed long enough to visit Karma and Mercury then head to town to the bank.
Quick visit to the bank then head back home to retreat from the heat! YUK!
I didn't do much all afternoon, just not motivated to do anything. haha!
Time seemed to fly by today(it's fine by me!) and it was time to take my 7.5mg of warfarin @ 8pm.
We're heading out to the movie tonight so that will be fun and the theatre will be nice and COOL.
I thought my ACC appointment was first thing in the morning but its at 2:45pm, I don't mind that one bit.
I'll let you know how that goes tomorrow
Thanks for checking in
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Post-Op Day # 52 - Home Sweet Home
Well today was the last day for dog sitting --- well sort of, my client called to see if I could just let the dogs out tomorrow for a potty break at noon so that is cool.
I'm not about to turn down some $$$, the medical bills keep coming in. BLA!
I'm glad to be done(I love this client & her dogs though), its a good work out with the stairs and playing with the dogs in the back yard.
Its good exercise but still more then I'm used to. I'm very curious to see what my INR is going to be on Thursday --fingers crossed its still about 2.0!!!
I'm sooooooooo looking forward to sleeping in my own bed. haha! There is nothing like my own bed, I swear every other bed is too hard or soft.
My foot is sore today, it was feeling quite tight today, like something was inside of it pulling the skin tighter and tighter -- probably some swelling but nothing too bad as my foot looks the same as it has for the past week.
The compression stocking really helps keep that under control which is so nice. :-)
I'm going to take it easy for the rest of the week -- I know it doesn't sounds like I do much but it takes a lot of energy to move around. LOL up and down the stupid stairs with crutches isn't fun but I can do it, I have to.
I'll tell you this, my abs are getting one heck of a work out with all of this! HA HA!
My arms are getting really strong too, not that they weren't already but with all the lifting etc... its a great work out.
Adam often jokes that we should make some exercise video's for people on crutches -- he's always thinking of ways to make $$$$$. HA HA HA! I love how he thinks. :-)
I'm just kicking back in the house right now but we may go to a movie in Issaquah but not positive.
Well its time to take my 10mg of Warfarin
Thanks for checking in
I'm not about to turn down some $$$, the medical bills keep coming in. BLA!
I'm glad to be done(I love this client & her dogs though), its a good work out with the stairs and playing with the dogs in the back yard.
Its good exercise but still more then I'm used to. I'm very curious to see what my INR is going to be on Thursday --fingers crossed its still about 2.0!!!
I'm sooooooooo looking forward to sleeping in my own bed. haha! There is nothing like my own bed, I swear every other bed is too hard or soft.
My foot is sore today, it was feeling quite tight today, like something was inside of it pulling the skin tighter and tighter -- probably some swelling but nothing too bad as my foot looks the same as it has for the past week.
The compression stocking really helps keep that under control which is so nice. :-)
I'm going to take it easy for the rest of the week -- I know it doesn't sounds like I do much but it takes a lot of energy to move around. LOL up and down the stupid stairs with crutches isn't fun but I can do it, I have to.
I'll tell you this, my abs are getting one heck of a work out with all of this! HA HA!
My arms are getting really strong too, not that they weren't already but with all the lifting etc... its a great work out.
Adam often jokes that we should make some exercise video's for people on crutches -- he's always thinking of ways to make $$$$$. HA HA HA! I love how he thinks. :-)
I'm just kicking back in the house right now but we may go to a movie in Issaquah but not positive.
Well its time to take my 10mg of Warfarin
Thanks for checking in
Post-Op Day # 51 - Hot Diggity Dog!
Yesterday was pretty low key, just spent the day over with the dogs because it was too hot to do anything outside.
My ankle was a bit tender from all the exercise but nothing to worry about.
On the way back to the house I decided I needed a hair cut(I was overdue for one) and got it done in an A - line bob.
It looks soooooooo good and I love how light it feels, my neck gets a nice breeze on it now --perfect for the hot weather!
The A-line bob is short in the back and then slowly tapers down so its longer in the front. I like it a lot because you kind of get the best of both worlds, short and longer hair.
I'll add a couple pictures
I came home for a bit to see Adam and then had to go to North Bend for a few things.
My friend Helene called to see if I was going to stop in at the barn and so I did for a few minutes.
We didn't do much, it was so hot out plus I had to head out.
Helene gave Godiva a brush and then took her out to the ring to free longe her. :-)
I went to North Bend to grab some stuff for dinner then came home so Adam and I could eat together.
Adam decided to go to the shooting range afterwords so I stayed home until he got back later.
I took my 7.5mg of Warfarin and put my foot up for a bit as it was a tad swollen and sore.
Adam got home then gave me a ride over to my clients house so he could help me put out the big trash and recycle bins from the garage. There's no way I can push or pull those things when they're full, I'd end up on my rump! HA HA!
We said good night and I headed in to hang out with my buddies Harley and Angus. :-) I was exhausted so I watched some TV with my foot up then zonked out.
Anyways, thanks for checking in

My ankle was a bit tender from all the exercise but nothing to worry about.
On the way back to the house I decided I needed a hair cut(I was overdue for one) and got it done in an A - line bob.
It looks soooooooo good and I love how light it feels, my neck gets a nice breeze on it now --perfect for the hot weather!
The A-line bob is short in the back and then slowly tapers down so its longer in the front. I like it a lot because you kind of get the best of both worlds, short and longer hair.
I'll add a couple pictures
I came home for a bit to see Adam and then had to go to North Bend for a few things.
My friend Helene called to see if I was going to stop in at the barn and so I did for a few minutes.
We didn't do much, it was so hot out plus I had to head out.
Helene gave Godiva a brush and then took her out to the ring to free longe her. :-)
I went to North Bend to grab some stuff for dinner then came home so Adam and I could eat together.
Adam decided to go to the shooting range afterwords so I stayed home until he got back later.
I took my 7.5mg of Warfarin and put my foot up for a bit as it was a tad swollen and sore.
Adam got home then gave me a ride over to my clients house so he could help me put out the big trash and recycle bins from the garage. There's no way I can push or pull those things when they're full, I'd end up on my rump! HA HA!
We said good night and I headed in to hang out with my buddies Harley and Angus. :-) I was exhausted so I watched some TV with my foot up then zonked out.
Anyways, thanks for checking in

Monday, June 1, 2009
Post-Op Day # 50 - Sunday Entertainment
Well Sunday started off with the 5am wake up to let the dogs out for 30mins or so, I watched some TV then head back to lay down till 9:30am.
I stayed with the dogs till noon and head home to see Adam.
Adam had mentioned that his friend Patrick wanted us to go out for lunch with him.
He was over at the local Pub with some friends so Adam pushed me over there in the wee-chair.
Wow, talk about entertaining, Patrick and his buddies had been drinking for a while and were in fine form. haha! Oh yes, the typical rowdy, dirty mouth talk about women, watching women drive by or walk by with comments on their body parts! HA HA!
We stayed there for an hour or so then head to another local pub for a hamburger. This place has really tasty burgers but it's sort of amusing because this place is ummm interesting! Looks like it belongs in Drunken Duncan. haha!
Umm ya, Im sure you're thinking "why the heck would you eat there if its that ghetto" haha! We've heard from a few people that it has very good burgers and we were both very satisfied with our burgers.
We stayed there for another hour or so, the boys were definitely were feeling good! haha! Adam and I were sober so it was amusing to watch this.
After we were done with lunch we head back to my clients house so I could let the dogs out.
Adam waited in the car as I don't bring him into the house at this place.
I tried to be as quick as possible but Harley decided to make me wait!
Harley is very offish with me right now because of my crutches, he does not understand what they are and gets very timid. The other dog Angus could care less, he loves me to pieces :-) and thankfully the other dog will follow Angus if I call him in.
After 15mins of trying to get Harley in, he finally followed Angus and I got them back into their room. I was pooped from doing the stairs and trying to get Harley in the house.
Poor Adam was drenched in sweat by the time I got out to the car because it was so hot out and it took me way longer to do the dogs.
Isn't that how it always works? I swear when you're pressed for time, things go wrong and take twice as long to do. haha!
I came back to the house with Adam for a bit, had a nice cool shower to freshen up and stayed inside.
I stayed home till 8pm --took my 7.5mg of Warfarin before heading back to the dogs for the night.
I was so tired I almost fell down the stairs(it was scary), my crutch slipped on the carpeted stair and dropped out of my hand.
I slipped a bit but managed to catch myself in time with the railing. PHEW!
I was able to reach down and pick up the crutch and make it up the rest of the stairs safely.
I definitely needed to get to bed, my body was fatigued and my foot was a bit sore from being jarred when I slipped.
I'm sure I will have some bruises on my arms.
I went to bed around 10pm, it didn't take me long to fall asleep. LOL
Thanks for checking in
I stayed with the dogs till noon and head home to see Adam.
Adam had mentioned that his friend Patrick wanted us to go out for lunch with him.
He was over at the local Pub with some friends so Adam pushed me over there in the wee-chair.
Wow, talk about entertaining, Patrick and his buddies had been drinking for a while and were in fine form. haha! Oh yes, the typical rowdy, dirty mouth talk about women, watching women drive by or walk by with comments on their body parts! HA HA!
We stayed there for an hour or so then head to another local pub for a hamburger. This place has really tasty burgers but it's sort of amusing because this place is ummm interesting! Looks like it belongs in Drunken Duncan. haha!
Umm ya, Im sure you're thinking "why the heck would you eat there if its that ghetto" haha! We've heard from a few people that it has very good burgers and we were both very satisfied with our burgers.
We stayed there for another hour or so, the boys were definitely were feeling good! haha! Adam and I were sober so it was amusing to watch this.
After we were done with lunch we head back to my clients house so I could let the dogs out.
Adam waited in the car as I don't bring him into the house at this place.
I tried to be as quick as possible but Harley decided to make me wait!
Harley is very offish with me right now because of my crutches, he does not understand what they are and gets very timid. The other dog Angus could care less, he loves me to pieces :-) and thankfully the other dog will follow Angus if I call him in.
After 15mins of trying to get Harley in, he finally followed Angus and I got them back into their room. I was pooped from doing the stairs and trying to get Harley in the house.
Poor Adam was drenched in sweat by the time I got out to the car because it was so hot out and it took me way longer to do the dogs.
Isn't that how it always works? I swear when you're pressed for time, things go wrong and take twice as long to do. haha!
I came back to the house with Adam for a bit, had a nice cool shower to freshen up and stayed inside.
I stayed home till 8pm --took my 7.5mg of Warfarin before heading back to the dogs for the night.
I was so tired I almost fell down the stairs(it was scary), my crutch slipped on the carpeted stair and dropped out of my hand.
I slipped a bit but managed to catch myself in time with the railing. PHEW!
I was able to reach down and pick up the crutch and make it up the rest of the stairs safely.
I definitely needed to get to bed, my body was fatigued and my foot was a bit sore from being jarred when I slipped.
I'm sure I will have some bruises on my arms.
I went to bed around 10pm, it didn't take me long to fall asleep. LOL
Thanks for checking in
compression stocking,
KAM boot,
Tarsal Tunnel Release,
Post-Op Day # 49 - Hiding Out
Well as I said I get up early when looking at the clients dogs because it's what they're used to.
I was up at 5am and let them out for 30mins or so, I watched some TV then brought them back in and went to lay down for a bit. Back up around 9:30am for the day and let the dogs outside again for another hour or so. In the morning, it's so tiring going up and down the stairs, my body is still in sleepy mode! HA HA!
I hung out till about 1pm and then went home to see Adam --it was soooooooooo hot out so we stayed indoors for most of the day. It's hard to be out in the sun for any length of time, esp for me I get so tired and hot trying to hobble about on my crutches.
Adam and I went to Issaquah to Chiptole for dinner and it was yuuuuuuummmmmmmmy! It felt good not to cook(I made a super tasty Tilapia, stirfry and rice dinner on Friday), I was so tired from doing the dogs and not getting a great sleep.
We came back home and lounged in the house for a bit then I had to head back to the dogs.
Adam dropped me off because he was going to go skating in Bellevue and needed the car.
I just let him keep the car so he could do whatever he needed and then he could just pick me up Sunday morning.
It felt like such a waste of a day but the weather is too hot to be outside mid-day so either early morning or evening time is best for any type of activities where you're going to break a sweat. haha!
I took my 10mg of Warfarin @ 8pm. I'm curious to know what my INR will be on Thursday, I'm sure it's gone down with all the extra exercise I'm getting doing the dog sitting.
I watched some awesome shows on crime investigation, autopsy's etc... haha, yes, I love that kind of stuff, its so fascinating!
Oh and I also watched this super cool show called Ice Road Truckers, wow talk about scary stuff. These guys drive big big rigs on ice roads that are over huge lakes. it's so scary to think that they're driving on about 36" of ice but you think about how heavy those big rigs are and that doesn't give you a lot of peace of mind. haha! You could hear the ice cracking as they drove over it, I'm sure I'd crap my pants if I was in one of those trucks. haha! Of course they get paid well because it is such an important but dangerous job. Most of the runs were to the De Beers Diamond mines, huge pieces of equipment that they need to do the work up there.
Anyways, check it out if you get it on your digital TV.
I went to bed around 10:30pm I was soooooooo zonked and needed to get a decent sleep. The bed and pillows there suck so that doesn't help matters!
Thanks for checking in
I was up at 5am and let them out for 30mins or so, I watched some TV then brought them back in and went to lay down for a bit. Back up around 9:30am for the day and let the dogs outside again for another hour or so. In the morning, it's so tiring going up and down the stairs, my body is still in sleepy mode! HA HA!
I hung out till about 1pm and then went home to see Adam --it was soooooooooo hot out so we stayed indoors for most of the day. It's hard to be out in the sun for any length of time, esp for me I get so tired and hot trying to hobble about on my crutches.
Adam and I went to Issaquah to Chiptole for dinner and it was yuuuuuuummmmmmmmy! It felt good not to cook(I made a super tasty Tilapia, stirfry and rice dinner on Friday), I was so tired from doing the dogs and not getting a great sleep.
We came back home and lounged in the house for a bit then I had to head back to the dogs.
Adam dropped me off because he was going to go skating in Bellevue and needed the car.
I just let him keep the car so he could do whatever he needed and then he could just pick me up Sunday morning.
It felt like such a waste of a day but the weather is too hot to be outside mid-day so either early morning or evening time is best for any type of activities where you're going to break a sweat. haha!
I took my 10mg of Warfarin @ 8pm. I'm curious to know what my INR will be on Thursday, I'm sure it's gone down with all the extra exercise I'm getting doing the dog sitting.
I watched some awesome shows on crime investigation, autopsy's etc... haha, yes, I love that kind of stuff, its so fascinating!
Oh and I also watched this super cool show called Ice Road Truckers, wow talk about scary stuff. These guys drive big big rigs on ice roads that are over huge lakes. it's so scary to think that they're driving on about 36" of ice but you think about how heavy those big rigs are and that doesn't give you a lot of peace of mind. haha! You could hear the ice cracking as they drove over it, I'm sure I'd crap my pants if I was in one of those trucks. haha! Of course they get paid well because it is such an important but dangerous job. Most of the runs were to the De Beers Diamond mines, huge pieces of equipment that they need to do the work up there.
Anyways, check it out if you get it on your digital TV.
I went to bed around 10:30pm I was soooooooo zonked and needed to get a decent sleep. The bed and pillows there suck so that doesn't help matters!
Thanks for checking in
compression stocking,
KAM boot,
Tarsal Tunnel Release,
walking boot,
Post-Op Day # 48 - TGIF!
Well I've been super busy over the weekend so I forgot to update my blog plus I didn't have as much access to the computer or time to sit down! LOL
Ok so Friday was so hot out, my goodness the weather changed and now we're complaining about it being too warm instead of too cold. haha!
My ankle felt really good Friday, esp since I was quite active(INR will probably go down) --- I drove the car to the barn and to North Bend, I cleaned my grooming kit(it was nasty!) and then started my dog sitting job.
I stopped at the barn to see who was there and it was very quiet -- just the stable crew and Jenny, the eventing trainer. I talked to her for a couple minutes then she had to head out with 2 horses for a show.
I decided I should clean my grooming kit because it was very nasty from all the dirt/mud/scurf from the winter months! I pulled out the milk crate to sit on in the wash area so I could clean the brushes properly. I got pretty wet while washing the stuff but oh well, it dried in 2 seconds because it was so dang HOT out!
I stayed for a bit after I did the grooming kit and lounged on the deck with a yummy Talking Rain Twist mmmmmmmmm and to my surprise Helene showed up! YAY! It was great to see her, I guess we were both thinking the same thing that day, stop in and see who was at RRR!
We talked for a bit, then went to say hi to the horses and head out. I went to North Bend to pick up a few items then head home because I had to organize my stuff to stay overnight at my clients house.
The dog sitting job was from Friday till this Tuesday morning so I had to get my stuff ready to take over.
I head over and yup, it was going to be a weekend of exercise ---the stairs alone make me sweat up a storm. haha! Like 15 stairs to get up to the room where the dogs are, so I figure in a day I go up and down those stairs 10times.
I just chilled out with the dogs watching TV -- I threw the ball for a bit outside then thought I better lounge and elevate the foot for a bit.
I took my 7.5mg of Warfarin @ 8pm.
I stayed over, slept not too good because Im always paranoid about over sleeping and waking up to Dog crap/pee everywhere! HA HA! I'm always up at 5am when I sit for this client, I know they're early risers so the dogs are used to getting outside for a potty break.
That was my exciting Friday! HA HA!
Thanks for checking in
Ok so Friday was so hot out, my goodness the weather changed and now we're complaining about it being too warm instead of too cold. haha!
My ankle felt really good Friday, esp since I was quite active(INR will probably go down) --- I drove the car to the barn and to North Bend, I cleaned my grooming kit(it was nasty!) and then started my dog sitting job.
I stopped at the barn to see who was there and it was very quiet -- just the stable crew and Jenny, the eventing trainer. I talked to her for a couple minutes then she had to head out with 2 horses for a show.
I decided I should clean my grooming kit because it was very nasty from all the dirt/mud/scurf from the winter months! I pulled out the milk crate to sit on in the wash area so I could clean the brushes properly. I got pretty wet while washing the stuff but oh well, it dried in 2 seconds because it was so dang HOT out!
I stayed for a bit after I did the grooming kit and lounged on the deck with a yummy Talking Rain Twist mmmmmmmmm and to my surprise Helene showed up! YAY! It was great to see her, I guess we were both thinking the same thing that day, stop in and see who was at RRR!
We talked for a bit, then went to say hi to the horses and head out. I went to North Bend to pick up a few items then head home because I had to organize my stuff to stay overnight at my clients house.
The dog sitting job was from Friday till this Tuesday morning so I had to get my stuff ready to take over.
I head over and yup, it was going to be a weekend of exercise ---the stairs alone make me sweat up a storm. haha! Like 15 stairs to get up to the room where the dogs are, so I figure in a day I go up and down those stairs 10times.
I just chilled out with the dogs watching TV -- I threw the ball for a bit outside then thought I better lounge and elevate the foot for a bit.
I took my 7.5mg of Warfarin @ 8pm.
I stayed over, slept not too good because Im always paranoid about over sleeping and waking up to Dog crap/pee everywhere! HA HA! I'm always up at 5am when I sit for this client, I know they're early risers so the dogs are used to getting outside for a potty break.
That was my exciting Friday! HA HA!
Thanks for checking in
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