Friday, July 24, 2009

Post-Op Day # 98 - Bye Bye VI!

Well Monday morning was busy, we woke up on the earlier side so we could get Jill to the Duke Point Ferry Terminal for the 10:15am ferry. She was just going over night and would be back to my moms the next day because she flew back to Ontario the following day.

We left the terminal and head back to my moms place so that I could drop her off and take the car so I could go down to the barn to visit Frosty again.

I had to go to the vet office first to pick up a tetanus shot and pay my bill from the Friday appointment.
I head over to the barn to see her, I didn't have too much time to do anything so just gave her some carrots/apples then talked to N&S for a few bit before heading back to my moms to make sure all my stuff was packed up.

I needed to be down in Victoria for 6pm check in time so I had a bit of time in the afternoon to chill out and actually my friend Reyna came over for a short visit so that was nice.

A friend of my moms offered to drive me down to Victoria so that was nice, one less thing for my mom to worry about plus the fact she had multiple trips to Victoria coming up in the next few days.

I got my stuff together , I said goodbye to mom and Reyna -- I think that was around 4:55pm.

It was nice of Diane to drive me and we had a fun chit chat on the way down! haha I love that lady, shes' so funny!

I got checked in and waited to board the Clipper ferry to head back to Seattle.

I took my 7.5mg of warfarin @ 8pm with my tasty "Vegetarian basket" that I had on the ferry.

Thankfully it was a smooth sailing and we made it to Seattle around 9:45pm. I was tired but happy to be back in WA State and ofcourse glad to see Adam!!!!

I flopped into bed and was OUT like a light....oh man, the bed felt good! HA HA!

well it was a fun but tiring trip for me ---but I did it CRUTCH-FREE! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Only took 3+ months to do it. haha!

Thanks for checking in

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Thanks for all your support during this whole ordeal! :-)