Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Getting Closer

The MRI was done on my L ankle and they gave me a CD to take to my next appointment with Dr. Chi.

The four weeks passed and I had my appointment, we reviewed the MRI results, there was definitely some swelling around the tibial nerve.

Dr Chi felt we needed to do one more test before he confirmed the TTS. He sent a referral to a sports medicine Dr(Dr C) who did EMG/Nerve Conductivity Testing, that test would let him know what exactly was happening with the nerves in my foot.

Now Dr Chi warned me that the testing was not going to be pleasant, he even joked that he'd never heard anyone say they'd want to get another EMG/NCT done after going through the experience once! LOL
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrreat, something to look forward to...NOT! Ugh, the thought of being "zapped" with small shocks to see how the nerves responded sounded like a modern day torture.......oh but that wasn't even the best part of it!

The NCT part used a thin needle(with a lead that attached to the machine to record the findings) and would be poked into my foot in different spots. Oh ya and I'm NOT A FAN OF NEEDLES! HA HA! I was really starting to fret about this upcoming testing!

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Thanks for all your support during this whole ordeal! :-)