Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What's up Doc?!

My Dr faxed a referral over to Dr Thomas Chi of Proliance Surgeons/Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine and two weeks later I had an appointment.

I met Dr Chi and he went over my medical history and what we had done with my ankle thus far.
He examined my ankle, manipulating it in all sorts of directions and palpating the swollen area to see if he could feel anything(like a cyst etc..)
He could see that I was in pain and so we decided to try a different anti-inflammatory(Diclofenac 75 Mgec) then what my Dr gave me plus as much rest for the ankle as possible.

After that he mentioned a condition called Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome(TTS) basically the posterior tibial nerve in the foot is being compressed & the nerves are being damaged resulting in decreased or loss of sensory, motor function or both.
Click here for TTS information
He thought there was a good chance I may be suffering from it due to the physical findings up to that point.

Quite often this condition has to be corrected with surgery, a Tarsal Tunnel Release.
It's a release of the lacinate ligament and exploration of the tarsal canal with decompression of the posterior tibial nerve. If you think about it, its the same type of surgery a person with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, except theirs would be in the wrist/hand.

Dr Chi would require further diagnostic testing to confirm the TTS and we'd talk about treatment options( including possible surgery if that was the route needed).

We spoke about my regular activities and what do I could do to reduce the amount of strain my ankle was enduring. Of course horseback riding was the main topic of conversation and we came to an agreement(he wanted me to give it up for a bit but I said NO WAY!) that I would not wear my riding boots(as they are form fitting) and that I would ride without stirrups(removing the strain of keeping my heel down in the stirrup).

My next appointment would be set for a month later, that would give my ankle some more rest and time to see if the anti-inflammatory medication helped.

We agreed on doing an MRI because that would show much more then an Xray would, especially with the soft tissues. The building where Dr Chi works has an Imaging laboratory so I had the MRI done 30 minutes later -- talk about fast!

Nothing like having to wear a sexy hospital gown and lay still for 25 minutes while loud magnets whiz/bang/clang around's like a noisy TUNNEL! Stupid thing gave me a headache afterward! BLA!

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Thanks for all your support during this whole ordeal! :-)