Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Post-Op Day #26 - ACC Appointment

Well today was my appointment at the Anti-coagulation Clinic (ACC) at 2:50pm in Bellevue.

It went well, the lady went over the information about the drugs I was on(Lovenox/Warfarin) and what exactly the ACC will do for me.

During the visit I had to get my finger pricked so she could see what my INR(International Normalized Ratio) was at -- normal INR(clotting time basically) is about 1.
Some info on INR -

After 6 days of Lovenox and Warfarin my INR is 1.5 and the ideal range(therapeutic to deal with my DVT) is between 2.0 - 3.0, maybe slightly higher depending on my body.

I was hoping she'd tell me I could stop the Lovenox injections but nope I have to continue them until my next appointment on Friday.

She wants me to up my Warfarin for the next 2 take 10mg(2 - 5mg pills) tonight and tomorrow take 7.5mg(1.5 - 5mg pills) hoping that will get my INR range up for Fridays test.

Fingers crossed I'll be off the Lovenox after Friday and they can figure out how much Warfarin I need for the initial 3month treatment period.

I'll have to go back once or twice a week for INR testing to make sure it stays in the approperiate range. What a pain in the butt! Oh well, what can I do about it.

Anyways, tomorrow I have my ultrasound to check the DVT and make sure it's not any bigger..........fingers crossed it's a bit smaller! :-)

Thanks for checking in

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Thanks for all your support during this whole ordeal! :-)