Saturday, May 9, 2009

Post-Op Day #29 - Driving And Dogs

Today was good, early start as we gave a friend a ride to the SeaTac Airport at 6:45am.
On the way home we stopped at the coffee shop, I had a yummy sweet chai latte and we shared a nice piece of coffee cake.

After that we head to home to have a nap, we were zombies from the early morning plus all week we've been so tired from all the Dr's appointments etc...

I woke up and needed to go do the dogs that I'm looking after, I stay overnight at their place.

I decided to see if I could drive myself there(its about 2mins in the car) and I DID IT! haha! I think its about 5 clutch compressions each way HAHA!

I let the dogs outside in the backyard for a while, I even cleaned up some dog doo! HA HA! Oh that was amusing, you know me I couldn't just leave the crap on the grass. ;-)

After that I hung out with the dogs for an hour or so, we watched TV on the couch -- the 2 dogs are allowed to sit on it so they snuggled up beside me while I watched some ER type show and another one on autopsy's haha! I know, I'm strange but I love those types of shows.

My ankle felt pretty good after the drive there, I elevated it while I watched TV.

I made sure the dogs went potty again before I left and then I came home to sit on the patio in the SUNSHINE! OH ya, it was gorgeous out today!

Adam and I went to Uncle Si's pizza for dinner, it's right behind our place and has AWESOME pizza - we had a Hawaiian, my favorite. I also had a yummy salad, gosh it was so good. I have to be careful how much green stuff I eat, it's usually high in Vitamin K and I'm not supposed to have too much because it promotes the clotting mechanism in the blood.

After dinner we went for a nice walk around the block --- the temperature was perfect, a light breeze blowing against the face! ah, perfection! I did a gnarly manuevre in the wee-chair when we went down a hill and around a corner --- it was like a fish tail you do in a car! I was laughing so hard. :-)

I took my 7.5mg of Warfarin and now I'm gonna have a quick shower before I head back to the dogs and stay the night there. Adam will drop me off and pick me up in the morning -- I just had to take this job for my client, any extra money right now is a good thing, darn medical bills are starting to pile up! ACK!

Thanks for checking in

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Thanks for all your support during this whole ordeal! :-)