Thursday, May 21, 2009

Post-Op Day #40 - Sock It To Me

Well this morning my friend Helene was nice enough to take me to my ACC appointment and my INR was 3.4 -- on the high side so tonight I don't take my Warfarin and continue as normal tomorrow.
The nurse figures it was the progestin pills that made it high because it takes a bit for the system to get used to it. Hopefully by the time next Thursday comes it will be around 2.9-3.0. I have to keep an eye on bruising, any nose bleeds etc... if that happens, let them know asap!

After that we decided to go to the local feed/tack store -- hehe, fun lookng at all the goodies. We both bought a couple small items before heading out so she could show me her adorable farm house. We made a quick pit stop to a coffee shack(lol drive thru) and got a yummy Chai Latte --best one Ive tasted!

We went to her house for a little while and it was very nice and ofcourse we let the dogs out for a potty break. haha!

After chit chatting for a bit it was time to go so I can get to my ankle specialist appointment at 11:45am.

My appointment went well, Dr Chi thought the incision looked great and removed the last 2 steri strips(tape) from the lower part. I think it looks pretty darn good, I'll take some pictures and post them.
We talked about the DVT's and he even showed me the printouts that he got from Washington Vascular -- it was so cool, it showed grey shaded area on the places it was clotted.
There were 2 printouts, one from the inital ultrasound and the follow up one which showed a SMALLER CLOTTED AREA! YAY!

We spoke about recovery time, possible physio therapy(we'll see how it is in 4wks), getting more movement in the foot when its comfortable to do with/without the KAM walking boot and about wearing a compression stocking.
I told him I had a Rx for one but hadn't got it yet due to the ankle still being a bit tender.
He thought I was ok to get one and they had them at his office so I got fitted for one! YUK, I HATE IT! HA HA!
I call it the Ol Lady Stocking! HA HA! I guess I should be relieved that it's white and not ugly beige or black. hehe!
I have to wear it as much as possible because it will help with swelling and circulation as well so that is good.
It felt so bizarre to pull it one, my poor foot hasn't had anything tight on it since the morning of surgery.
It feels SOOOOOO TIGHT right now but I think once my foot swelling goes down a bit it won't feel so weird.
I asked about getting back to regular activities and how long that would be, esp RIDING --- I said 6 weeks and he thought possibly, could be less or more, just depends on how my ankle heals and how quickly the clots dissolve. Fingers crossed I could be riding by July, though that seems like FOREVER for me. Oh well, I'm not willing to risk it, I will ride when I'm 100% ready to.

Anyways, I go back to see him in 4 weeks unless I have any pain issues in my ankle/foot. Any other issues related to the clots I contact the vascular specialist/ACC.

Next week I have my one month ultrasound so fingers crossed it shows the clots are even smaller then last time. :-)

I'm just hanging out in the house, though the weather is amazing today but my foot needs to rest up a bit. It's adjusting to having the compression hose on it.

Thanks for checking the blog

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Thanks for all your support during this whole ordeal! :-)