Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Post-Op Day # 45 - Errands

Well this morning I had a few errands to do in North Bend so I hopped in the car. My foot feels pretty darn good driving, I had no issues from yesterday :-)

I went to the bank then to Safeway for some groceries--haha, drove the motorized cart around and had someone help load the stuff into the car.

I wanted to stop by the ranch for a minute but had food that needed to get in the fridge/freezer so couldn't do it. Oh well there's always tomorrow!

I just hung out at the house today....borrrrrring!

Took my 10mg of Warfarin(i have a couple 10mgs/per week) @ 8pm and we'll see what my INR is tomorrow when I go for my ACC appointment at 8:45am.

I'm really hoping its around 2.7 or so, not any lower or higher --definitely not like last Thursday when it was 3.4!

I've gotten quite a few bruises since my last visit there --nothing alarming thankfully.

Well time to get Adam some dinner, I'm making him some fajitas! mmmmmmmmmm!

Thanks for checking in

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Thanks for all your support during this whole ordeal! :-)